Last night there was another truncation of our democratic process here in Wisconsin. A single lawmaker decided that there was a "credible threat" to the safety of those in the state capitol from protesters that had assembled both outside and inside the building. Thousands wanted to speak to the issue before the committee, regarding the proposed "Rigth-To-Work" law that has been proposed. Each person was allowed one minute to say their piece, but the three lawmakers did not want to listen to unanimous opposition to the policy their financiers had concocted. Notice the language that these lies are couched in. The word credible usually means that there is a strong reason to believe something, or that the threat has been vetted. There was one protester who refused to leave the building, otherwise, not a single arrest. A lone, raving, toothless old man, who was probably homeless and didn't want to spend another night in below zero temperatures outside. That is the one arrest made all day and perhaps he was the credible threat. The only threat that I think he posed, was that the Capitol Police and the hundreds of officers brought in to "control" the "situation" were getting overtime pay (because they have a strong union)and the threat was that our tax dollars were paying their overtime. Several thousand (The number keeps growing, as more reasonable approximations of the crowd come out.) Wisconsinites had gathered to tell our legislators that their proposal is bad for our state, but they could not be bothered to listen.
Facts, like the fifty percent increase in workplace deaths in "Right-To-Work" states, the higher levels of child poverty and premature death in states that have this sort of legislation on the books, the fact that the war on unions dates back to the seventies, when union membership was about one third of the workforce and how as union membership has fallen to under 9%, the real value of take home pay has dropped for the average worker precipitously. The near elimination of the "middle class". all of these issues need to be addressed, but the words, even though they will be entered into the public record fell on deaf ears. The whole hearing was perfunctory. The minds of the corporate controlled legislature has already been made up.
We are told that corporations do not want to locate here because one of the "first questions" they ask when considering opening a new facility in our state is "Do they allow unions?" This just sounds like fiction. We had a criminal enterprise lease a substantial part of the Northwoods for exploring the mineral content of the bedrock, even though our state allows unions. Many of our enterprises have been purchased by large multi-national corporations, even though we allow unions. I was alive at the time when unions were at their peak and I can tell you that there was a far better standard of living than we enjoy today. The right wing of our political system has decided that "A rising tide lifts all boats.", but for those who are looking closely at our current situation, we realize that the rising tide is mostly being funneled into the pockets of the oligarchs. The only credible threat posed at this time is from the proposed legislation.
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Sunday, February 22, 2015
The Wisconsin Idea-Part Two
I have to be careful how I write about our governor being a college drop-out. There are those who would brand me as a hypocrite for pointing this out because I too dropped out of college. However, the reasons that I dropped out were many and in my world view quite sound, whereas Governor Scott Walker, who now wants to be President of the United States of America was kicked out for cheating. In short, our reasons for not getting a degree could not be much more different. My moral stand against registration for the draft is what motivated me. Ronald Reagan, with a nod from Congress, made qualification for student financial aid dependent on registration for the draft. When I did my own due diligence, I found out that when the draft existed in the past, there was a special process for those that would be registered C.O. (or Conscientious Objector)The way the law was written in 1984, there was no such process and if I had registered for the draft, it would have meant that there would be no due process for changing my status to C.O. that could be completed before my being "called up" and once owned by6 the govie, there would be no time to pursue the people who would be needed to validate my status before my deployment. Morally, this was unacceptable to me. The only recourse that I could conceive was to opt out of the whole process.
I was too poor to continue, and instead of dropping out, I continued to attend. I went to classes for an entire year after my financial aid was cut off, supporting myself by working at several jobs and paying my own way through life, without paying tuition. I would make appointments to speak to each professor in person, explaining the changes that led to me not being officially enrolled. I also explained that learning, to me, is like air. that I need it to live and that I would like to attend their classes even if it meant that I would receive no credit for my efforts. All but one professor encouraged me to stick with it and finish my course of study, but they warned that without a piece of paper to validate the completion of my course of study, the costs of my decisions would affect me the rest of my life. I was an adult and felt that I knew what I was doing. Even after all of these years, I don't regret my decisions one bit. The education that I received just talking to a dozen professors about this issue were worth the price I paid for college. In my first three years, I ended up owing $1050 (one thousand five hundred dollars)Ironically, that is exactly the exact same amount of money that I was given by my family to start my new life as an educated adult.
The Wisconsin Idea was strong in my upbringing. In some ways you could call me a "freeloader", as only one of the dozen or so professors that I interviewed, did. he was adverse to my ideas from the start and threatened that if I showed to one of his classes, he would "call the police." What I saw, en masse, were souls, who may they be tortures firmly believed in the transfer of knowledge and our right to become informed. We are currently being led by the cadre who thought it was all about the paper, and when they were denied, for cheating in collegiate politics, the whole process of thinking about education turned into a vendetta.
Being an aware and intellectually adept youth, facile with language, whose mom was one of the bohemians "allowed" to go to college, first in her family to get a degree; I often would get what she called "mental health days", where she would take me to her classes instead of allowing public school to have me another day. I was always sure that I would be a teacher, because that is what everyone in my family had done, whether they had known it or not. My lessons would be of global scope, but informed by and stem from infinitesimally small, infinitely local awareness. Even at seven years of age, I was aware of the infinite Om, the lost chord so to speak.
I was too poor to continue, and instead of dropping out, I continued to attend. I went to classes for an entire year after my financial aid was cut off, supporting myself by working at several jobs and paying my own way through life, without paying tuition. I would make appointments to speak to each professor in person, explaining the changes that led to me not being officially enrolled. I also explained that learning, to me, is like air. that I need it to live and that I would like to attend their classes even if it meant that I would receive no credit for my efforts. All but one professor encouraged me to stick with it and finish my course of study, but they warned that without a piece of paper to validate the completion of my course of study, the costs of my decisions would affect me the rest of my life. I was an adult and felt that I knew what I was doing. Even after all of these years, I don't regret my decisions one bit. The education that I received just talking to a dozen professors about this issue were worth the price I paid for college. In my first three years, I ended up owing $1050 (one thousand five hundred dollars)Ironically, that is exactly the exact same amount of money that I was given by my family to start my new life as an educated adult.
The Wisconsin Idea was strong in my upbringing. In some ways you could call me a "freeloader", as only one of the dozen or so professors that I interviewed, did. he was adverse to my ideas from the start and threatened that if I showed to one of his classes, he would "call the police." What I saw, en masse, were souls, who may they be tortures firmly believed in the transfer of knowledge and our right to become informed. We are currently being led by the cadre who thought it was all about the paper, and when they were denied, for cheating in collegiate politics, the whole process of thinking about education turned into a vendetta.
Being an aware and intellectually adept youth, facile with language, whose mom was one of the bohemians "allowed" to go to college, first in her family to get a degree; I often would get what she called "mental health days", where she would take me to her classes instead of allowing public school to have me another day. I was always sure that I would be a teacher, because that is what everyone in my family had done, whether they had known it or not. My lessons would be of global scope, but informed by and stem from infinitesimally small, infinitely local awareness. Even at seven years of age, I was aware of the infinite Om, the lost chord so to speak.
Is There Anybody Out There?
For instance with this post, I fully expect that it may lack paragraphs. That seems to be par for the course with my other blog at this site. I suppose it is better than having my guests be shifted to some other site, but it makes communication difficult, especially because I want to say more than just a few words.
No tech support of any kind, not even recognition that I sent in a report of a problem. My other blog was down for over a week and although it seems to be mostly "fixed", it took several dozen hours to try to get back to where I had been before. In fact, it is only since trying to fix the problem that errant code seems to be embedded in my new post page and the formatting seems to have gotten screwed up as well.
I hope that I can resolve these issues quickly, but this is not my full time occupation.
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Three Ingredients And A Nice, Thick, Mulch
I have written several posts about bio-char and the benefits that it can provide for soil health, water quality and agriculture. The three ingredients that constitute biochar are the char itself, which is virtually pure carbon, water and some sort of biological inoculate, like compost. There has been a systematic poisoning of the soils worldwide. Multinational corporate welfare whores are continuing to produce TNT, which produces anhydrous ammonia as a by-product. If anyone needs any more reason to be a pacifist, the ecological destruction that is part and parcel of the military industrial complex should be reason enough. Our leaders have proven that human life is meaningless to them, but perhaps ecological destruction of the soils upon which all life is built may be the fulcrum to move public opinion and government regulation with a bit less effort. We have a long lever arm at our disposal and that is our desire to continue the species. In war there has always been the expectation that there would be a victor and a vanquished people. Facts deny that this is true but we continue to be lied to by history and those that profit from the carnage. The same is true for our agricultural practices. If the oligarchs cannot keep the money rolling into their hands, there is very little chance that people will hear about it. That is why I want to simplify the process by which we can feed twice as many people using the same amount of land that is under cultivation as we have today. Production increases will not be enough in isolation, but distributing the abundance of nature has always proven to be a difficult task for humans and that has not yet changed.
Char is best made by roasting clean and pure sawdust, wood chips or pieces small enough that they can be crushed to powder after they have been charred. Ideal-sized pieces are the size of a grain of rice or smaller. There can be no synthetic glues, laminate, plastic, or chemical biocides or "treatments" on, or in, the wood. Smashing, grinding or otherwise powdering pieces of roasted wood makes lots of dust and although I have made my char powder using several different low tech methods, the easiest one that I have found is to feed the chunks of charcoal into a meat or coffee grinder. The only reason that I have begun to use sawdust is that I have a never-ending source of the material a short bike ride from my home. This material, when created, can last for tens of thousands of years in the environment because in nature, the organisms who inhabit the micro-pores in the char are only interested in the protection that it provides. They do not eat the material. The char acts as housing, a matrix upon which life can cling but also protection from predators. If you have ever let water stand in a basin, over time you will feel a slick coating on the surface of the container. This is a thin film of bacteria clinging to the container. Imagine this same film coating fourteen acres of surface area in each handful.
As far as the water goes, the most success will be had by using distilled or rain water. Especially rain water seems to overcome the surface tension issues that make the char hydrophobic. In my early days I used a drop or two of bio-degradable soap, but since discovering the power of rain water, I probably will not go back to using any other type of water. All life seems to need clean fresh water, the soil organisms that we add to our chat to make it bio-char need at least enough moisture to remain hydrated and to begin their reproduction process. When making char, it is important to keep it aerobic (with air) and to keep it warm enough that the microbes that we add continue to multiply. Below about fifty degrees, biological activity slows and getting the culture of organisms to take hold in the char will take longer.
The nutrients in compost as well as the organisms that thrive in it are exactly the ones we seek to introduce into our char. The soil is a living community made up of millions of different bacteria, plankton, algae, fungi and viruses. The most beneficial ones are dependent on both air and water, so burying the char deeply is not as beneficial as they would be in the top six inches or so of the soil column. Over twenty years ago, my mentor turned me on to the soil building method that just "breaks" the surface. I most often do this with a potato fork. just drive it into the soil and pry a bit. This creates regions that have oxygen and the cracks and fissures that open up also allow moisture to percolate into the soil instead of just running off or sitting on the surface if the soil had been compacted. I have written about the quality of the ground upon which I garden at length and for those who know I am sorry for repeating myself.
When I took ownership of my property, two city lots in Green Bay, Wisconsin, the land had been a brickyard and dump. The heavy clay soils had been compacted and sterilized by chemical abuse, heavy equipment and callous humans unaware of the world of life that was supposed to reside beneath their feet. When I tried to dig my first garden beds, the sharpened spade just bounced off the surface. The only tool that could penetrate the surface, and in most places only a half inch or so, was the potato fork. I tried to work the surface, spread a bit of compost, and covered the whole affair with straw. (mulch is perhaps the most important single ingredient in my gardening process)sunlight kills many bacteria, so protecting the soil from the desiccating effects of direct sunlight and keeping UV rays from killing off the critters that I encourage are, and always have been crucial to my efforts at soil recovery. After the first rain, I was able to force the tines of my potato fork an inch or two down, so I pried the soil open to that depth, repeating the process and finally covering the earth with another few inches of mulch. It took several years, but the soil began to yield and recover from the horrible treatment that had lasted for decades before we got here. now, we have recovered soils to the point of being able to plant most seeds and sets with fingers as our only tools. Places where water used to pool are now able to absorb even the heaviest rains with not problem and the garden that used to need water as much as several times a day to get seeds started can be left for weeks without irrigation and the plants still do well. That is because there is a thriving community of organisms extending from just below the surface to at least several inches down. In places, the soil has developed to over a foot, but it did not happen overnight. I have been loving my property "back to life" and caring for the soil for a decade and it continues to improve.
By expanding the base of the food chain, it has effects all the way up to the top. Since staring our gardens, we have seen a steady growth in wildlife, both numbers of individual creatures and the variety of different species. When we first bought our property, the wildest things we saw were neighbor cats and oppossum. Now we have a variety of rodents, turkey, fox, deer and dozens of species of birds, all attracted to the oasis that we have created. Even the neighbors started to notice the amazing recovery that we were able to achieve and now several of them are starting gardens or expanding their interest in growing a few things for use in their kitchens. where there was nothing but baked clay a decade ago, there are fruit trees, grapes, rhubarb, raspberries, blackberries, asparagus, Jerusalem artichokes, onions, leeks, chives, and in Summer, there will be cukes, melons, squash, tomatoes peppers and kale. Swiss chard, carrots, potatoes and radishes, to name just a few. Sure, some go to critters and each year we lose a few to disease or falling tree branches, but the volume of food that we produce in the yard grows each year. Bio-char is a large part of that ever-increasing cornucopia and if you are interested in learning more about it, I am producing a video that reduces the three to five hour process into a twenty minute presentation. If you learn better in-person, I have a small enough char generator that I can take it on the road and I am willing to give presentations and explain the easiest ways to make char to anyone who is interested. I do, however, require transportation and lodging costs to get me, and me device, to your location, so consider what it is worth to you to double your agricultural production.
Inquiries welcome! My physical address is ECO-Tours of Wisconsin Inc. 1445 Porlier street Green Bay, Wisconsin 54301 USA. If you want to contact m electronically, you can leave a comment here or use Facebook to contact us through ECO-Tours of Wisconsin Inc. "there". blessed be and may the art and science of restoring the Earth bring you multi-fold blessings. I know it has for me!
Sunday, February 15, 2015
I Am Just Dog Tired.
I love writing, especially if I feel that I can both learn and teach in the same post. The demons that I am wrestling with go back into a deep place, deep in all of our psyches. The forces are mammoth because they have stretched across generations. Much of the work that needs to be done to access these places is tiresome or difficult because they are shrouded in the mists of time. A friend of mine recently read the originally noted works of the brothers Grimm, of fairy tale fame. She commented on several interesting and so it seemed to her, twisted themes that she had noted. First off, when a man turned evil, his hair almost immediately fell out. I guess this is part of many of the stories. Also, she said, young girls in the stories frequently ran off with strange men from far off lands. She also said that there seemed to be a lot of sexual abuse instances and rapes. I wonder if the men who were charged with collecting and transcribing the stories were bald? I also wonder if the old women whose stories they were collecting felt a bit violated. Back in those days if you made it past fifty you were very old, so perhaps men of balding age were a little on the devil may care side of standard decorum. I'm pretty sure that if a gent came along who wanted to know the stories that you told your children they might be considered a bit suspect from the start. ( I would hope that even in today's day and age, it would raise a few eyebrows) I imagine that in the late middle ages, at the time these stories were continuously told down through the ages, you pretty much knew what your destiny was from the start. There was no such thing as social mobility. Whatever was in the village is all you would ever have. Gambling for a future, whether it might be better or worse might only be possible by taking flight with a random stranger. Keep in mind, there were virtually no books. There had never been any and to keep one's culture alive, you had to have storytellers who could pass along important knowledge in an entertaining way.
please forgive my jarring perspective. I have been Disnified all week. I have seen enough princesses to last some cultures millennea. I had to have something to hold onto so I wouldn't drown in schmaltz. The source material for most of what Walt Disney peddled has always been, for me, at least as compelling as his movies. The interplay between the old way thinking, where traditions were carried on orally around the hearth with mammas talking to their children dates back to cave people days. Codifying it into symbol language and standardizing the genre was the antithesis of storytelling. The memes of the day have always been living stories, much like the ones referenced in the end passages of Fahrenheit 451. Each person having their "book" to translate important ideas that continued culture across the ages. Now that such a vast part of our folk lore has been standardized, I worry that our mothers are not relaying the important messages of our time to their children. When the stories themselves were committed to memory and their functionality as parable kept certain knowledge alive, it seemed that evolution would be easy. Once a story is committed to a movie, only our perspective with relationship to it can change. In days of old, generation to generation the stories got tweaked, mis-remembered or different parts were embellished or downplayed. Sometimes telling to telling they would change.
The current process for passing on our culture through stories has become having to have people like me, instead of the mothers and grandmothers telling living stories. In addition to load-in and load out of a nine truck show, we also ran the show eight times between Wednesday and Sunday. If all goes well, this is the exact same story they will hear from Sao Paulo to Helsinki and from Japan to Mexico. Children all around the world love mickey mouse. This is an annual occurrence for me and I never quite get over the fact that even with all the joy that the Disney versions of these ancient stories give to children of all ages, the parent material for the inspiration came from two guys traveling around asking old ladies what do you tell your children at night after dinner as you sit around the hearth?
Sunday, February 1, 2015
Blessed Imbolc
I bring you resonant frequencies from the Great Lakes Region. To create this wave, I will go to the opposite end of the great bowl that is the Great Lakes Watershed, to a bay nearest the East Coast, pluck at a string of history and with luck reverberate meaning through all the time in-between. I will reach back through an age of Wiley and capricious destruction to a humble birthplace of one George Copway,born 1881, whose native Ojibwa name means "He Who Stands Forever". When you need to span a great distance, you need to tie one end of your bridge to a sturdy and solid support. The Oneida people, who I live closer to than any other tribe, are the "People of the Standing Stone". This reference point I am using is a stone of monolithic proportion. A man, who became the first ever, first nations writer, to be published, makes his words "special", if only that they were his, in a time when the voices of nearly all of his people had been all but been wiped out. I respectfully use his words to anchor my message today. Because he was born into a place that I have been, on the opposite end of my world, my bioregion. This giant bowl draining into the Great Lakes has always inspired me, always informed my understanding of "birthplace". I honor the space, the ecology, the niches that surround her great shoreline and the habitat that it provides to many millions of humans. since childhood I have continued to study these freshwater seas in an effort to share my understanding with those who have not yet understood that we, and everything we do has direct and indirect effects on the water, the quality of life that is possible in this basin and on the future for many hundreds of thousands of years. Kahgegagahbowh knew all of these things in the very fibers of his being. His words have been put down for all time and I will use them as my anchoring point.
I was born in Nature's wide domain! The trees were all that sheltered my infant limbs, the blue heavens all that covered me. I am one of Nature's children. I have always admired her. She shall be my glory: her features, her robes and the wreath around her brow, the seasons, her stately oaks and the evergreen -her hair,ringlets over the earth- all contribute to my enduring love for her.
And whenever I see her, emotions of pleasure roll in my breast, and swell and burst like waves on the shores of the ocean, in prayer and praise to Him who has placed me in her hand. It is thought to be great to be born in palaces, surrounded with wealth -but to be born in Nature's wide domain is greater still!
I would much more glory in this birthplace, with broad canopy of heaven above me,and the giant arms of the forest trees for my shelter, than to be born in palaces of marble, studded with pillars of gold! nature will be nature still, while palaces shall decay and fall to ruins.
Yes, Niagara will be Niagara a thousand years hence! The rainbow, a wreath over her brow, shall continue as long as the sun, and the flowing of the river- while the work of art, however carefully protected and preserved, shall fade and crumble into dust!
This level of eternity is what we reflect upon during the holy days at the start of what is now called February. This Imbolc, much of the region has gotten a great storm and in my neck of the woods, the north wind is blowing to beat the ban! Winter is putting up her best protestations, but the advancing sun will eventually win this "war". Pulling the string, anchored upon the words of Kahgegagahbowh, taught across the ages, we have found that his words are true, his estimations, if anything could be prophetic rather than "innocent". his words had the strength of stone and cleave the flow of history as surely as the islands break Niagara into to separate falls.
Science now allows us to test for infinitesimally small percentages of highly toxic chemicals, including prescription drugs that are now in the Great Lakes. We have known for generations that our actions have sped up the silting in of the lakes, (known as eutrophication -a natural process that all lakes face) by over one hundred times. We have tried to clean up the water, but the majority of many contaminants are falling out of the atmosphere directly because the air is full of toxic compounds. all of these contaminants have the staying power of "He Who Stands Forever". Many types and kinds of poisons will be contaminating the food chain forever. They are the wastes, created by the systems that build the palaces, gild the pillars and exact the toll upon our Mother, Earth. Long after the glimmer fades, the wastes will remain. How we choose to react tot his truth is our own decision. We can choose to be a legacy to one world view or another.
My pagan beliefs are that the gods and goddesses that are alive around each one of us, the gods of the wood, the gods of the water, and the gods of both earth and sky are delighted when we give thanks for their gifts. If I were to continually try to rip and tear at the fabric of life surrounding me, others would be hurt by that process. Every step I have taken toward sustainability has also yield a distancing, of my self, from the destruction of life by waste and or energy creation/ waste. Even after more than five decades, I am still finding ways to ratchet back my waste, get more from less, or reduce wasteful throughput. When we honor the return of Father Sun and the impregnation of Mother Earth, the four corners of the Earth are a huge part of this. The triple goddess is alive all around and father sun is entering, literally, from the South. Earth and sky are one in our transcendent awareness. The enlivened whole is much, much more than the sum of parts. The note plucked across the ages, on the taught sting I have strung is that the same abundant nature exists today, it welcomes all who allow themselves to be born into it and even after the palaces crumble, we will have only earth and sky to sustain us.
Blessed Be!
I was born in Nature's wide domain! The trees were all that sheltered my infant limbs, the blue heavens all that covered me. I am one of Nature's children. I have always admired her. She shall be my glory: her features, her robes and the wreath around her brow, the seasons, her stately oaks and the evergreen -her hair,ringlets over the earth- all contribute to my enduring love for her.
And whenever I see her, emotions of pleasure roll in my breast, and swell and burst like waves on the shores of the ocean, in prayer and praise to Him who has placed me in her hand. It is thought to be great to be born in palaces, surrounded with wealth -but to be born in Nature's wide domain is greater still!
I would much more glory in this birthplace, with broad canopy of heaven above me,and the giant arms of the forest trees for my shelter, than to be born in palaces of marble, studded with pillars of gold! nature will be nature still, while palaces shall decay and fall to ruins.
Yes, Niagara will be Niagara a thousand years hence! The rainbow, a wreath over her brow, shall continue as long as the sun, and the flowing of the river- while the work of art, however carefully protected and preserved, shall fade and crumble into dust!
This level of eternity is what we reflect upon during the holy days at the start of what is now called February. This Imbolc, much of the region has gotten a great storm and in my neck of the woods, the north wind is blowing to beat the ban! Winter is putting up her best protestations, but the advancing sun will eventually win this "war". Pulling the string, anchored upon the words of Kahgegagahbowh, taught across the ages, we have found that his words are true, his estimations, if anything could be prophetic rather than "innocent". his words had the strength of stone and cleave the flow of history as surely as the islands break Niagara into to separate falls.
Science now allows us to test for infinitesimally small percentages of highly toxic chemicals, including prescription drugs that are now in the Great Lakes. We have known for generations that our actions have sped up the silting in of the lakes, (known as eutrophication -a natural process that all lakes face) by over one hundred times. We have tried to clean up the water, but the majority of many contaminants are falling out of the atmosphere directly because the air is full of toxic compounds. all of these contaminants have the staying power of "He Who Stands Forever". Many types and kinds of poisons will be contaminating the food chain forever. They are the wastes, created by the systems that build the palaces, gild the pillars and exact the toll upon our Mother, Earth. Long after the glimmer fades, the wastes will remain. How we choose to react tot his truth is our own decision. We can choose to be a legacy to one world view or another.
My pagan beliefs are that the gods and goddesses that are alive around each one of us, the gods of the wood, the gods of the water, and the gods of both earth and sky are delighted when we give thanks for their gifts. If I were to continually try to rip and tear at the fabric of life surrounding me, others would be hurt by that process. Every step I have taken toward sustainability has also yield a distancing, of my self, from the destruction of life by waste and or energy creation/ waste. Even after more than five decades, I am still finding ways to ratchet back my waste, get more from less, or reduce wasteful throughput. When we honor the return of Father Sun and the impregnation of Mother Earth, the four corners of the Earth are a huge part of this. The triple goddess is alive all around and father sun is entering, literally, from the South. Earth and sky are one in our transcendent awareness. The enlivened whole is much, much more than the sum of parts. The note plucked across the ages, on the taught sting I have strung is that the same abundant nature exists today, it welcomes all who allow themselves to be born into it and even after the palaces crumble, we will have only earth and sky to sustain us.
Blessed Be!
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Becoming Change Agents
Over the last half century, I have received comments like "What?" As if people could not understand basic fact. "Are you nuts?", carrying the implication that my reality is fiction. "That will never work.", as if they have forgotten that our history is studded with impossible tasks that we got done by sheer force of will and tenacity. It seems that as the American dream has slipped further and further from the reach of the common man, (and I mean hu-man and woman)we have forgotten what made America (and by this I mean these United States of America)great. Oddly enough, the things that have come naturally to me that have been violently opposed, questioned and denied any sort of consideration have nearly always come to pass after a generation or so.
Being aware back in the seventies that one day water would be sold just like soda pop, but for a higher price was pure science fiction.People laughed, but today Coca-cola rushes in to "save" people from devastating floods and water contamination with their bottled Desani water. "Better than" ordinary water they claim and therefore the price, higher than soda seems justifiable. Our relationship to water has been changed forever because the substance necessary for life has been transformed into a commodity by those who seek to profit from the availability and purity of the "product". This commodification has led Coca-cola to purchase rights to the water in the Ganges and I'm sure that they have their eyes on the Great Lakes, as a potential "property" as well.
The longer we stand idly by, hands in pockets, the harder it will be to wrest control from the deities of commercialism. Talking the talk for decades, I have noticed an ever increasing realization that "Hey, Tony was right." That thing you said about climate change back in the seventies sounded like an impossibility back then, but hey, now we all see the truth of the matter. The ruling class of millionaires transforming themselves into billionaires at our expense is hazardous for our democracy. The rapid increase in energy being expended to wrest the last drops of oil from shale and tar sands is a net loss of energy, even though production continues. We must all speak with one voice about the rapid changes that are occurring.
The art and science of sustainability have been reduced to one word, green. Never have so many clung disingenuously to a single word that seems designed to cover all manner of sins perpetrated upon the Earth, her people and the marketplace. Even the marketplace of ideas seems to have become commandeered by the same people who brought us the Exxon Valdez catastrophe, Tepco's Fukushima Diiachi melt down and the oil spills that are ruining forever vast acreage across the heartland, as well as the Mississippi River. When BP advertises that their initials stand for "Beyond Petroleum", it only means that they are sucking up as much government subsidy as we offer for "research" into technologies that have been around for 100 years.
The highest number of passive solar homes in the U. S. were built in the 1930s, because people knew that the sun was a reliable source of heat energy, especially during the times of day that most people are active. I have seen these homes and they are still saving energy and precious fuel many decades later. The people who got behind the Main Line in Philadelphia knew that only having one car and using mass transit for their daily commute could help them to save the money to educate their children, keep their homes up and to live a better lifestyle for less. Nowadays, corporations have their insidious tentacles into us so deep that transit of any kind threatens their profit margin. We all end up subsidizing their expensive and lavish lifestyles borne on the backs of the environment, and our future generations.
We each need to talk about these and other issues that have been covered up for generations, so that the level of awareness rises above the level that Fox News wants us to fall to. The race to the bottom has only produced a new cadre of couch potatoes. Tee-vee glotzers as Nina Hagen called them. We may need to join hands with others, march in protests, hold signs, blockade places of business that continue to ransack the commons and destroy our birthright for their greed and profitability.
Walk, bike, carpool and combine trips to reduce consumption of fossil fuels. Insulate, buy efficient equipment. Teach your children and do not take no for an answer. All truth goes through three stages. First, it is vehemently denied, then it is questioned and finally, if we are around long enough, it is accepted as self-evident. Becoming agents of change requires a new set of values, as new language to speak of the things that we are up against and a tenacity similar to that which allowed us to complete the Erie Canal, build the transcontinental railroad and the interstate highway system. We can pull ourselves out of the depression, but it will take more focused effort and co-operation than the billionaires can buy. We must not let them buy our silence, because in silence lies complicity.
Earth Religions Gaining Converts
"Neo-tribal, Animist, Pagan seeks fellow searchers to sanctify human interaction with the planet. Meeting eight times per year, at the quarters and cross quarters near Green Bay, Wisconsin."
"Naturalist and Shaman in search of community, willing to heal for food. Experience includes feng shui, hand fasting, earth energy work, gardening for health and personalized healing rites."
"Herbalist Elder willing to share in-depth knowledge of native medicinal plants with people who have a range of illnesses from acne to arthritis, bronchitis to bloating, and cardio-vascular disease to cysts."
"Permaculture landscape designer with a penchant for earth worship willing to travel to help create the right sacred grove or stone circle. Serious inquiries only. Contact on the new moon for best results."
These are just a few of the next generation of personal ads that people will be sharing if current trends continue. In fact, each could be posted by me! After nearly fifty years of paying attention, many of my insights have led to truths beyond books, the encyclopedia, beyond what colleges and universities deem valuable, and beyond the strictures of many old belief systems. Many who have grown up in the new age era have gone beyond the sidewalks of organized religion and have found new ways to explore their spirituality.
Along with our new politics, the new economic realities and the utter failure of systems to control or further the moral standing of many in our culture, more and more Americans are looking outside mainstream religion for a meaningful relationship with the planet, one another and our communities.
Underlying the climate change issue is the business as usual issue. Power brokers of the past hope to continue to grow their wealth and power in the future, but the people are beginning to wake up to the facts. Especially the greed and deception that has been rampant in our culture. Religious groups that are apolitical are losing their grasp on their adherents. Complacency is no longer a tenable position to hold. Social change, economic change, environmental change and the harmonic of spiritual change are all related.
Some, wanting to discredit the movement toward change try to gloss over the hippy culture's preoccupation with Peace, Love and "tuning-in". They remind us of the evil sounding parts, "turning-on" and "dropping-out". Even though some hippies just wanted the "free love" for the resulting "meaningless sex", many truly had the welfare of others in the forefront of their minds throughout the sixties, seventies and still hold the dream in their hearts. Remember, these old hippies are now turning seventy!
The Rainbow Family of Light and Love still exists. This tribe retreats into nature to reestablish ties to the planet. Yoga centers abound in most US cities. When I was a child, there were relatively few spread across the country. has grown to over 26,000 people in just over a year. It is a wonderful social networking site for adherents of a variety of earth religions. Alternative energy and conservation is becoming the norm. Even the indigo children are coming of age at a time when massive change will be required to avert catastrophe. The air is tainted with toxic compounds in most American cities, our water carries carcinogens and pharmaceutical drugs. Food laced with corn, oil, sugar, anti-biotics, chemical residues and corporate welfare subsidies is presented right next to organic and whole food.
Choice is becoming a moral imperative, informed choice is essentially our only hope of surviving into the future. Why should we not scrap the religions of the ancestors who brought us to the brink of desolation? As open-minded as we have become, there are still a few who cling to the big three religions, but as more and more people develop empathy for the planet as a whole, the earth exploiting belief systems that flowed from them are being rejected. A new way of seeing the world demands a new way of worship, sanctification and service.
National Public Radio had a wonderful program on this sea change in public opinion. The author of a book called "Deep Green Religion" spoke quite cogently on this very topic. I am looking forward to reading his tome on this epic trend that has the power to unseat the necrotic grasp that established religions have on the spirit of our nation. Anyone who has spent much time in nature will know that the direct experience of God/esses creation far surpasses the power of any temple to move us, to inspire, educate and release us from our mundane existence.
When I made the commitment to publish seven posts per month over seven years ago...
I never intended to self-publish news and information, current events stories or as many personal stories as I have. When I started, over seven years ago, seven posts a month seemed as if it might be too few, but I found out, this is a huge number of posts to write. Some news heavy posts have taken days to write, many hours to research and sometimes weeks of switching things around to get the flow I look for. I have worked hard to keep this site free and free of advertisers, please help with what you can afford.
If you really want to help the cause, I accept contributions from individuals only, much like Bernie Sanders. My run for Congress is to represent the people of Northeast Wisconsin (WI-08) Like or share any of my posts on your favorite social media source.
It is long past time for action. Science has known what needs doing for fifty years it is time to get on with it!
Blog Archive
I am not who I think I am
- Bioneer: Tony C. Saladino
- Guide, interpreter, liaison; I committed myself to helping heal the rift between humans and nature at age seven. I'm now in my second-half-century of doing it, focused more than ever on how. Biochar educator, philanthropist, I have given away thousands of hours of time on research and many thousands more teaching about this nearly lost blend of art and science. Our ancestors had mastered this technology before the advent of written language. I'm creating a school to teach these over 9,000 year old ways; however using modern materials to create a much smaller environmental impact.