Friday, September 15, 2017

Who Wouldn't Love...

Who wouldn't love days warm enough to leave the windows open. The sounds which we might hear outside, yet not really even notice, take on a different texture when they come through a window...birds, the wind in the trees, squirrel chewing on antler, far off mowing machines or even traffic sounds better through a window than it would in the open air, on the street or in your yard. Even sirens and trains sound more soothing through a window when the climate cooperates. Who can ignore the scents that waft through as the warm weather season rolls by, coaxing open the windows far and wide. The smell of serviceberry, linden flower, lilac, cherry, apple, peony, lillies of the valley, elder flowers, milkweed, and the whole array of flowers and trees you and your neighbors have planted. Who does not love to go from inside to outside without donning a stitch of extra clothes!

Windows open, we feel the world around us much more fully. The acrid smell of fireworks drift through from time to time as do the gasoline fumes of musclecars, mowers and bikes of old. How can it get better than smelling rain or knowing which way the wind is blowing because all the windows in the house are open? This is good really really good means much more when you hear the sound of a boat sloshing in the water through screen on a warm summer night. When you hear a loon or owl through the screened window of a tent, it it way better than hearing it on a movie soundtrack or PBS Special. The net of safety that our enclosure implies sets us just far enough apart from nature that we can listen without fear. The fear of losing ourselves in nature. I think this is a pretty common reason, although not always eloquently expressed by non-campers. Many people say that they,  "Don't like the quiet" or who claim that, "It always rains" when they go camping. But I'm afraid, many feel separate from rather than part of nature. I have lived in the woods, rain, shine sleet and snow and it can still be a lot better than a day at work!

Who wouldn't love sitting around a fire, telling stories and listening to calm voices and relaxing after a good meal and refreshment? When the nights turn cool and the warmth tightens the circle just a little bit. The crackle and hiss of the wood charring, the dancing flames and the way your clothes smell the next day? I once had a girlfriend who would not wash her outdoor clothes, or ones she wore at fires. Instead she would always hang them with her regular clothes until she had another pair to replace them with, so the smell would scent all of her clothes! Some people may not go to these lengths to feel at home in the woods, or in the woods at home I guess. However, this love of the activity humans were born to do seems to be inextricably linked to our urge to dream, to drift off and to become mesmerized by the dancing light. They say candle light makes everyone more beautiful, but if this is true, firelight works that magic a thousand fold. Even the coming and going of voices from the other side make even mundane conversation better. Who does not love enjoying the company of others while at ease around a fire?

As the song goes, "When the dog bites, when the bee stings, when you're feeling sad, simply remembering the placid calm that was with you last time you sat around a fire and you will find the peace and calm to persevere. Today, it is an eerie ninety degrees Fahrenheit. Mid September is typically the time that the Autumn Rains begin, but this year, the grass never turned brown. There was no respite from the rain this Summer.Our local weather reporters got all excited and commented that the last 72 hour stretch without rain was May 5-7 and this was in mid August. Who wouldn't love a shift in climate so drastic that we didn't have to use heat in the winter, right? Well, now, let me think. If I get to make up for the energy savings by running the AC all Summer, I'm out. I have been hearing a lot about Sabbaticals, taking an extended time away to get renewed perspective. My serious run for Congress will consume all of my efforts and it would be silly to try to treat it like it won't. I would ask my readers to forgive me for not writing as many posts over the coming year.

Who wouldn't love to live in a world where two weeks worth of to-do lists could be whipped out in a single day? I have come to realize that the nature of how much work I get done lies more in my own perception of what really needs to get done. If it takes a load off my mind for a long time, I give it higher priority and feel more excited about getting it done. Often my ideas for art hold my attention for  along time before I can physically complete them. The waiting, as Tom Petty sang, is the hardest part. I know and understand that and don't want to leave readers with nothing to read, especially the long time supporters. Here is what I think I can do. In addition to my campaigning and work on election-related efforts, I will write approximately two posts per moon, rather than the seven that I committed to when I began to blog. some moons may not even get a single post, but I want all my readers to know that they can dig deeply into the trove I have posted so far and have at any posts from before you started reading. Long ago, I stated unequivocally that if I stopped posting, someone needed to be made aware of my absence, but this time I am actually going on a sort-of hiatus, partial working vacation. Find me on facebook as Saladino 4 District 8, or contact me in other formats if you wish. if you would like ot Paypal some cash to help keep the bills paid, or my run for Congress, be forewarned, any contributions from corporations will be returned, just like Bernie. however, digital donations can be made through Paypal acct. # Please indicate whether it is for ECO-Tours or Saladino 4 District 8.

In honor of abundance, T