Wednesday, October 14, 2009 turns two on my Birthday!

24,000 members share everything from recipes to gardening advice and from Athame selection to Zebra mussel mulch tips (especially helpful on calcium deficient soils) Isn't it ironic that such a large online community would have started on the cusp of Libra and Scorpio. Just like me, it's a bit quirky, but if you look into it, I think you will like the people you find there.

1 comment:

Bioneer: Tony C. Saladino said...

Just an update, has surpassed 42,000 members. they are in the midst of reorganizing and changing the administrators of the site, but thousands of people flock there each week to share information, ideas and insights through the largest pagan network online that I have found. It is interesting and feels great to be linked up with folks who share values such as Do No Harm!