Oddly enough, we are being shouted down by the most unsavory lot among us. The news cameras thronged around a man, accused of absconding with church funds by his "flock" in Germany. A man with just fifty folks in his congregation, who has a myopic view of his own religion as well as the religions of others who are as insignificant to him as his religion is to them. Why are his attitudes, ideas and behaviors worthy of all those reporters time and effort? When will the press (media outlets)learn that they are supposed to guide people to truth, ask the difficult questions that reveal frauds and lies? Nothing about this man can be deemed truthful, not his fallacious beliefs, not his self-aggrandizing attitudes, not his methods, not even his message, nothing.
On the other hand, Christian beliefs have influenced, given quarter, aided and abetted some of the most heinous crimes of the last dozen centuries. There is not a single day that we can pick out of the calendar that stands out amongst the bloodshed perpetrated by Christians throughout the Age. If you have read my posts before, you will know that hating someone for their nation's behavior is as silly as hating them for their religious beliefs. Most people are extremely humane and downright good people. No truly patriotic Americans want violence perpetrated against others in our name. Just as there are precious few believers in Christ who wish to own the heinous crimes perpetrated during the Crusades, the Inquisition, or the subjugation of pagans around the globe.
In my own small way, I have offered to "get even" with the insane Koran burners. Eye for an eye, they say, without realizing that we would all be left blind by such a law practiced without compassion. I have read the Bible, it is a mediocre story whose central myth is plagiarized from cultures that pre-date it by many centuries. Human beings, long before the birth of "Christ" knew that the sun would travel south each winter, reside in the constellation Crux (cross) for three days and then be reborn to mankind, bringing back the light (life)and warmth of the growing season. Myths only work when the entire culture believe them, or at least agree on their meaning. Like the ancients who created Stonehenge, we all must agree on the importance of our place amongst the stars, the necessity for unified action in service to the Gods and Goddesses that we hold most dear.
The words in the Bible are devoid of meaning for the vast majority of people on earth today, but that is no reason to deface or destroy the holy books of other religions. A handful of Christians today have blood lust for people of other faiths, or those with no faith at all. How many times do we hear of loony, wackos who are hell bent on destruction, but use as their defense,"God told me to do it."
Word to the wise...if you are hearing voices, get treatment right away and discontinue any medication that you may be on. The lies that we have been told about so many things dissolve upon further inspection, please take the time to educate yourself about them. Old farmer's wisdom admonishes us to not leave the fox in charge of the hen house, or to allow bulls into a china shop. I think that the same is true for Fox News, or the Bulls on Wall Street. We have been consumed by the non-issues that Fox chooses to portray for us. One of the biggest lies that we are told repeatedly is that Wall Street investors have anything to do with our economy. The millions that are "traded" are just that. Nothing has ever been produced by there fat cats, so why do we allow them to be supported by us? Is that not the most vile form of corporate welfare? Again, some very well-meaning people work the street, but for those who live and die by their next big trade, we really need to burn the holy books of their religion.
More pain has been unleashed on the American people, by far, by the greedy bankers and traders of their debt, that all the terrorists over the past two hundred years.
Perhaps the best thing to burn if you are a little pissed off is money. The problem is that most money today is in the digital realm. Even if we burned all the paper money today, it could not hope to stop the worship of what it represents. Before I end this missal, I would like to ask why the date, September 11 was "picked" in the first place. If anyone knows, please enlighten me. Whether my understanding is correct or not, I would like to know. Perhaps for the tenth year anniversary we could burn all religious texts and begin again to forge a more humane tribe upon the planet. Everything we have tried so far has not seemed to work.
Please make 10-10-10 the turning point that many are hoping for. Give that day to service of the planet and our fellow humans. Invest in sustainability and let your representatives in local, state and national office know that we are willing to hold their feet to the fire until we get what we want, a more equitable and just distribution of wealth, a more ecologically sound approach to energy, transportation, food production and more humane treatment for our young, our old, and the sick who live among us. Rather than each of us trying to be a tiny voice in the wilderness, like the poor sot who threatened to burn holy texts, we can gain strength from realizing that we are all one, sharing precious little space here on Starship Earth.
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