Monday, November 22, 2010

Pardon Me, Is that My Car You Are About To Run Off The Road?

Today, 6:50 AM, some you know what tried to run me off the road with his Range Rover. Is it too much trouble to wake up before getting behind the wheel? Law abiding drivers should not be threatened by people who can't keep their vehicles in their lane! Normally, this would not rise to the level of "news" here at the Otherfish Wrap. However, it nearly cost me my life, so it is weighted a bit differently.

A wise person once said that the best recourse would be to arm oneself with a paintball gun, then "tag" rude, offensive neglectful and inattentive drivers. It would at least give others a heads up that they might be operating erratically. A few even advocate death to bad drivers, but too often, we all made mistakes or had errors in judgment. The most important thing is to recognize that you are supposed to be in control of your two thousand pound vehicle.

Professional drivers always try to have an exit strategy and remain aware of their surroundings for rapidly changing conditions. For those of us who choose to enter into the social contract that driving requires, the object again, for those who were not paying attention, is to all arrive in at least as good condition as we enjoyed before departure. we all arrive alive if we do it well, together. Please be of one mind next time you get behind the wheel (and every time after that as well please).

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