Monday, April 11, 2011

Don't tell me what to do!!

How do we illustrate the nature of the predicament that we find ourselves in? We have already been told to do a million things that either don't make sense or work at cross purposes. In anarchy, we are left to our own devices. Rather than having other people making decisions for us, we get to experience the total freedom that libertarians get all juiced about.  The other side of that equation is that we are held to higher standards of responsibility for our own actions. If we offend or burden others with our stupid behavior, they may decide to kill or maim us. Those who do not believe in revenge would be able to forgive, while those who feel that paybacks are times one hundred would be free to act on their anti-social urges.
In a perfect world, my peaceful and humanitarian beliefs would be reflected in the way our country behaves upon a world stage. The tax dollars that I pay to kill Afghans, Libyans, Palestinians and Pakistanis would not get spent in my name. I fully believe that we have the rights and power to make decisions that reflect our will and that our country, if it remains unresponsive to my wishes should have to relinquish it's access to my funds. I should not have to pay for schools or politicians that advance the myths of any religion, nor should I have to fund activities such as carrying out the death penalty. I should be allowed to grow any plant without fear of reappraisal, not be required to accept the threat of radioactive contamination, food borne chemicals or tainted air or water courtesy of any corporate or private entity.
 Whatever we might call our current system, it seems to work as a sieve, keeping the richest among us in amongst the cream, and allowing the vast majority to slip through the cracks. The people, whose wishes and beliefs this country was founded to express have been all but forgotten in our quest to commercialize everything under our dominion. Anarchy, like communism only have a chance at working in their purest form. When we deconstruct our current culture, there may be a few parts that could be serviceable, but the vast majority of our habits, beliefs and systems reflect an utter bankruptcy that need to be scrapped if we are to have a chance at helping the majority reach the American Dream.
First of all, we need to scrap the power and control issue. The male dominance BS is part of that vestige of a past age. next, we need to protect our children from being indoctrinated into religions that pit one against another and honor their own ability to make up their minds about morality and their own humanity. While we are at it, we should get the government out of the business of telling us what is good for us. we do need some level of understanding about what is bad for us, but protecting industry from paying for the damages that their behavior result in only make them weak and stupid.
Perhaps the thing to do is to "SPREAD ANARCHY", but not because someone says to, but because it is the right thing to do. I promise to play by the absence of rules and honor your right to behave the way you feel is right, as long as it won't limit my right to do what I feel is right. If we need to start over, we can only do it one way. The best starting point is knowing in advance where we want to be and what steps can take us there the quickest with the least dislocation and trauma for the greatest number of people.

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