Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Remember When Reading Was Fundamental, Now It Seems That Ignorance Is In Style

In the case of the current Governor of Wisconsin, we have reached a new level of ignorance. Without understanding the history or culture of our state, economics or science, he has developed policies and made changes to our government that will take us from the top tier of states in several important areas and insert us into the roster nearer to states such as Alabama, Mississippi and Texas. I have no issue with how other states value education or the social safety net, but there were good reasons for me to choose Wisconsin as a place to settle, invest in and devote my life to. Why we have the rule that recalling our leaders cannot be begin for a year after they are elected makes no sense to me. The hundreds of thousands of people who have flocked to the state capitol and to governor walker's speaking engagements across Wisconsin should indicate that the policies he advocates are not only unsound, but unwanted by those he feels do not deserve to be represented.
The people who warned us about this man's record were spot on, but the rhetoric of hate and fear seems to have overwhelmed logic at the polls. Even if there were truth behind the lies he is willing to tell, I would seek that truth and go with it, but his allegiance is obviously to those who are privileged and stand to gain the most through further enslavement of the working people of our state.most contrary to the Wisconsin Idea is the undermining of standards of living of public workers. government is not and should never be run like a business. If government were a profit center, private industry would be all over taking the opportunity away from duly elected officials. Instead, the privateers continue to cherry pick discreet elements of government's role, swooping in to take over profitable parts of their dealings and leaving the less profitable parts, like getting real and necessary work done, to be paid for by taxpayers. In fact, the social service net has already been largely taken over by industrialists, adept at pocketing the majority of funding to cover "administrative costs" and stiffing recipients of housing, medicare and programs designed to save money through energy efficiency improvements. In twenty years, when we graduate the cadre of individuals who first experienced an education of teachers who earn less than their mentors, the chickens will finally be home to roost. By that time, picture language may have supplanted English as the preferred method of communication.
Please, let everyone you know who lives here in Wisconsin, to get behind the recall efforts. I'm sure that those who elected Mr. Walker were less inclined to accept his approaches as they just wanted to send the message "We need change". Of course, when one votes out of a sense of desperation, very little good can come from it. being responsible citizens requires far more than just showing up on election day. we need to seriously ask ourselves why power vacuums exist in government and who benefits most by finding just the right schmuck to fill the bill. People, not money are supposed to be in charge and have their needs met. Next time an ingrate helps you at a chain store, or restaurant, don't get mad at them. Place the blame on the corporados who deemed it necessary to squeeze the person's teachers even harder, making them do ever more with ever less, then ask how your dollars might be better spent somewhere else, where education and training are still deemed part of the American Way.

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