Monday, December 5, 2011

When Will The Dark Overlords Learn-Humanity?

Many of us concern ourselves with the challenges of making sure that we have enough for survival, to keep our homes, have enough to eat, and perhaps, if we are lucky, a trusted companion to procreate with or at least raise children with moral values, a sense of truth, justice and compassion. The exception seem to be the same flesh and blood as us, but their motives, tally sheets and focus is on unrelenting deceit, their imagined power and the lust after all things physical. Our culture, or lack of one seems to have spawned a cadre of individuals who believe in Calvinism, though they probably never heard that name for it. their justification for abusing their power and squandering vast fortunes is that they alone, are "best suited" for their station. somehow the justification for their lust for money and the material wealth that it represents. After all, in their way of viewing the world, poor people could have pulled themselves up by the bootstraps if they were good and god fearing, loyal and true to those in higher stations, or just not been so lazy, hedonistic and devilish. Since I was a child, I mulled over the possibility that there might be some truth in their perspective, but over the years have learned that the exceptions in this area disprove the rule.

Fortunately there are those kind souls who do no wrong, care for others, often those they do not even know and those who take it upon themselves to live true to the holy books. A special few give ceaselessly throughout the year, inspired by their heart's message rather than those given to justify greed, self-aggrandizement and hatred for those who are different. The humility that comes from knowing that we are all just one stock market crash away from homelessness leads to a deeper level of giving, one that actually feels the pain of those we help. I know that for a time, I was in the position of a single parent. it changed forever any thoughts I may have had about the hows, whys and reasons for the ever increasing number of them in our country.

Another thing that has always concerned me is the root word of humanity being human. I can surely cop to being human, but the activities that pass for humanity are terribly out of step with what I have understood humanity to be for nearly half a century. Greed, deceit and hatred are decidedly inhuman. Research shows that human beings are innately compassionate, kind and giving. Only through abuse and/or neglect can they be made selfish, greedy and abusive to others. Why can't we understand this and change our ways? The terrible truth behind such phrases as boys will be boys, the old ball and chain and she asked for it is that they have been designed to provide cover for unacceptable behavior. If we cannot fathom the true costs of our blatant disregard for human welfare, needs and honor each and every person as a manifestation of possibility, then we truly have gone wrong. The dark overlords know that they cannot trumpet the truth behind scientific research into humanity, because it would admit the fact that they are unprepared to lead. We have been spoon fed a complete fabrication, developed over a century ago by those who could not fathom many scientific facts. The concept of limited resources and the competition for them that necessarily follows is what allowed domination of "primitives" and violent extraction of resources paired with missionaries filled with zeal.

Even though we have learned that these practices are bad, we forget to jettison the philosophy that they were based on. We need to teach, from the early years up, about the mistakes we have made along the way. How else can we expect the next generation to do better? Assuming that we are around several more generations, would we not rather leave a bit of the Earth cleaner than we found it, more liveable than we have made it or better suited to fulfill the needs of our relations over the next few hundred years? I have been on an Odessey that defies my own ability to explain Remaking my house better suited to life. More spacious without changing the footprint. It has been transformed into the essential space for flow. Is that not what life is all about anyway? Flow? Humans may be uniquely suited to ask the question, Who am I? Sadly, all too often we follow that with "What have I done?". Those who hold the lion's share of the marbles in the World today have been hurt deeply, cheated and led astray by a work of centuries that would have everyone believe that we survive by teeth and claw, rather than cooperation and compassionate sharing of what we hold most dear. It is actually sad that for so many fear and ignorance lead them to treat one another so terribly and that, so often, their actions are designed to keep others at a distance rather than really opening up to hear about their hopes, dreams and needs.

In the Procession of the Equinoxes, the dawning of the Age of Aquarius coincides with the next hundred and fifty or so years. Just like in the olden days, there were those who carried the water, and those who used it. In the Age of Pisces, we became used to the way things had been for centuries, it was just the age. The time is now to forge a new mythology, build the basis of a culture that respects, nay follows the water carriers. Lord and Lady know there has been too much masculine posturing for humanity's good. A great factoid has been traveling around the internet, about hockey, I believe it sums up my feelings about living in a male dominated world where power and privilege flow from your sex organs. The athletic cup, or hard plastic protector of the groin was in common use in hockey for one hundred years before the helmet became common. When we begin to live in the Aquarian age, we will never have to ask why some of these things occurred, because it will be self-evident. The shift from mankind to humankind may take hundreds of years, but without substantive change now, rest assured the folks with all the marbles would rather not share.

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