Saturday, August 4, 2012

During the Period Between These Full Moons

This twenty-eight day cycle, let us begin anew, to unearth the truth, even when it hurts. Let us remember that we are made stronger by the adversities we face. Let us devote ourselves anew to the honorable act of healing, both ourselves, one another, and in turn the culture that will be here long after all of us have passed. I am given heart by my readers. Wherever you all are, my heart runs just a bit more quickly when I think of you. During the current moon, there will be an event that startles me and inspires me all at once. There will be a moment, or perhaps an hour that five thousand people have visited and read my words. Even though I have thought about most of the issues I write about for years, the brief encapsulations of my own awareness often pale when compared to the psychedelic vision of the world that i am capable of understanding.
When I hand produced fanzines during the eighties, in total I may have produced five thousand pieces of paper that I used to represent my perceptions of reality. Of those, I'm sure that many ended up in the dryer, stuffed in someone's pocket at a show and forgotten, but unlike the writings that I put out back then, these words have legs. They can inspire, educate or amaze folks halfway around the planet! My five thousand views may not seem like much to the major news outlets who guide the thoughts and actions of millions, but several thousand folks thinking a little more clearly about the world around them is of incalculable value! Blessed Be my friends. May the road rise to meet your feet and the sun shine down upon your soul purpose illuminating it for all to see. (yourself most of all)
I wish that there were a way to know just who the person is who accesses my writings for the five thousandth time, but the technology, although it may exist is not available to me. Let me instead thank each and every one of you personally for sharing my writings with others, amongst yourselves and through whatever social networks you have. In time, i hope to reach millions and if each one teaches one, the whole miraculous change will occur exponentially!

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