Saturday, December 29, 2012

If Not Now, When? If Not Us, Who?

If I have not written about enough reasons to be suspect of remaining idle, trusting our leaders to consider our interests before making bad decisions or to re-think our positions on a variety of issues, you can bet that I will continue to do so over the coming years. There is no shortage of truth that needs to be injected into public discourse. We have been sold a bill of goods on so many issues, utterly devoid of truth or substance that if we were to go to court, we would qualify for damages.

I have been writing in this forum for several years now and plan to continue as long as possible, but the financial stress of doing so can be frustrating and disillusioning. When well-heeled idiots get up on their soap box and extoll the virtues of weaponry, or the financial bail out of dead end industries, that give cover to criminals of the highest order, it is easy to just be quiet and turn our other cheek. Somne even choose to shut their mouths and take the crap that we are led to believe. they say the you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.

My writing seeks to point out some of the inalienable wrongs that have been perpetrated against human beings by our current power brokers, the uber-wealthy and the politically well-connected. The Idle No More groups that are protesting worldwide need our support. Indigenous peoples across the globe have a very serious claim to have protections for the world that we all depend on for our sustenance as well as the people who have lived here for millennea. Without getting up off the couch, there can be no change. May the coming year allow you the time to get active in making the world that we all know needs to exist be taken back from those who have controlled the tiller of the ship of state for far too long. Without us, the Earth and her people will continue the death spiral toward un-sustainability.

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