Tuesday, July 30, 2013

BP In The News

Today I heard that BP filed two separate cases regarding their Oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. One was challenging the competency and thoroughness of the person put in charge of the claims made against them. It seems the the pot of money established ran out, or is about to and only a small fraction of the injured parties have had their cases reviewed. Their claim is that since the money ran out so quickly, depleting the money that they were fined and had allocated for "clean up", that there must be some mistake.

They have also made the case for not being required to pay any additional costs toward the satisfaction of claimants against them. They refuse to pay additional fines or levies because as they see it, they have done their part. Remember all those commercials we have been seeing about how great life is again along the coast? Well, the corporate leaders have said in no uncertain terms that they will pay no more, even though the fines imposed upon them represent their profits over a time period, which was also in the news today, of 23 seconds.

My personal pledge is to never, ever spend another dime on products that come from their stores and if there is any way to stop using their products entirely, I'm going to do it. I have been driving my car as little as possible, riding my bike a lot more and walking to place I used to drive to, but until and unless we put these corporados on a strict financial diet, consisting of NO MORE of our money, they will continue to flaunt their immense fortunes, buy the most expensive lawyers and shirk all actions becoming of responible corporate citizens. These were the people who sucked up as much government money as possible when the corporate welfare was flowing for research and development of solar, wind and other alternative energy sources.

Now they have nothing to show for it but a lot of over paid executives who can regurgitate twenty year old data. We the people are left with the interest we pay on the loans that our own government took out to enrich the corporate elite during the economic downturn and they want to reestablish the gravy train as soon as possible so they don't have to do any real work, just produce more high end commercials claiming what great corporate citizens they are and how they have our best interest in mind. We can continue

Lets all think about that for the next twenty-three seconds. Now, let us look at who has been.destroying-gulf-oil-evidence. We can continue allowing corporations to break the law, destroy the environment and to cripple our chances at survival only so long. I have tasted gulf shrimp that tasted like petroleum. I never want to do that again. If we do not stand up soon, our children will have good reason to hate us. What will the world be like when no shrimp are good to eat? Will they still be making commercials that try to convince us that they are doing their best for us?
Please give what you can to help me continue to bring you this blog. The hours I spend are a labor of love. Green energy as the Rainbow Family call it always helps to keep spinnin' the wheel. I promise not to trash the Earth with it and I sure as hell won't use it to defend wrongdoing or obscuring the truth. We are one. As the revolutionaries have said for ages, we must truly stand together or we will all hang separately.

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