Friday, September 20, 2013

Magic Beans U.S.P.S. (Untited States Postal Service)

I have said for years that the best way for the Postal Service to turn around budget woes is to go to MWF (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) delivery. Transportation of mail, through the expansive vehicle fleet is the single largest cost of their service. Continue to pay staff at current wages and try to utilize available hours for neighborhood involvement or community building. Imagine hundreds of thousands of USPS emissaries across the nation, making a difference in their families, home life and neighborhoods. This would reduce carbon emissions by nearly half and provide the biggest bang for the buck for those that want to slow climate change. The waiting of a single extra day should not cause any trouble on mail of any type save those that already incur extra charges. I have looked at the numbers, over half the postal service costs are transportation. Reducing red ink is as easy as stopping the funds hemorrhaged into the oil (fossil fuel) economy. A day of reckoning is upon us, either we will treat the planet with a bit of humanity and honor, or we will perish through ineptitude.

A second way to increase revenue is to make advertisers pay their way. If any for profit company wants to utilize the US mail, they should pay full freight for that piece. This unnecessary subsidy of corporations is hurting real people who have to lug that waste paper around! The incentives for cutting this beast's head off are many, but the benefits would accrue to everyone save the .0001%. Corporate welfare is class warfare.

We have the right to demand what serves the most of us the best, whether it be in things as deeply personal as our relationship to Creator, or with the Earth and the rest of creation; as communal as our food system or our education, or as public as either the rarefied echelons of governors who run our collective affairs and as mundane as how we each get our mail. We need to think what one of us would even be willing to run down a couple blocks for less than fifty cents, much less ship it all the way across this great nation? It is time to put on our big boy pants and get down to the matter of fixing the matter once and for all.
People over profits! This bean was once rare. When I first planted it, I was lucky to get a few pods with a few beans in each. After selectively harvesting and replanting the best each year, I now have only a few with only three seeds. Ideas are much the same. If we tend them and make good choices, weeding out the crap and re-investing only the best, they come out just fine. Anyone who tells you that they have all the answers is just kidding, but when they agree that we could all experience a lot more by trying than wringing our hands, studying the matter further or ascribing blame. If we invest in our best, give back to the community and become exemplary corporate citizens, abundance flows.

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