Saturday, November 2, 2013


On November third, we (of the Western Great Lakes Region) will be just out of the area that will "see" the coming eclipse. What we will see and experience will be related to, but not the actual phenomenon of discs overlapping. Eclipses have long been associated with supernatural forces, patterns that connect and sacred moments in time. Here it makes perfect sense to mention the coincidence of multiple pagan rites and associations with the thinning of the veil between the living and the dead, festivals of lights, if not ancestor worship, at least the re-dedication rites associated with the timeless goals of making the world a better place for future generations. Many groups make their resolutions early, because it can take a full six weeks to deliberately make a change that becomes lifelong and lasting.

As the Sun recedes from our days, we must forge a new identity informed by our core beliefs, most of which come from our ancestors. Some say that they are "recovering Catholic", or "raised Lutheran", but in fact all of our ancestors were pagan, back a very long time. We have many centuries more worshiping the seasons and the spirits of the many forces of nature than we do with monotheistic entities. New paganism is growing because it is easier to believe what you see, that we are all linked to one another and the Earth, as well as all of Mother Earth's creatures.

The slow moving moon will be relatively dashing across the disc of the Sun, giving brief respite to those who lie in her shadow. The brief respite from the solar radiation gives us pause to reflect on how we utilize the energy of our star. Thank-you Grandma Moon for this relatively rare intercession! Just before sunrise in my part of the world, there will be great change coming in. How others choose to utilize this relatively brief moment in time, of course, is up to them, but I will be making plans for new beginnings and recommitting to things that have needed doing for quite some time. Combined with the thinning of the veil, we must also realize that the passing away of those activities that are not working for the good of all must take place for our efforts to be effective.

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