Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Meaning is an interesting part of any written information, every oral communication as well is based on wanting to share information or meaning, how we accomplish this is often a compromise between what we have to say and the resources we bring to the expression of those ideas or messages. Even who we are with may determine what we mean separate and distinct from the words we choose to express them. One of my favorite expressions of really important information sidled up to it by an association, or a sort of simile. Ram Dass was speaking in Denver, many years ago and he quoted Ha Fiz the poet. "The fish trap exists because of the fish, once you have gotten the fish, you can forget the trap." Then, he went on to say that, "Words exist because of meaning, once you have gotten the meaning you can forget the words." Finally he asked all who were assembled, perhaps over two hundred, "Where is the man who has forgotten words, so that I might have a word with him." His meaning was clear, but to get it to come across, he had to back up to the loading dock of our minds and unpack quite a bit to get the meaning to be clear.

One of the problems that I find with conspiracy theorists is that they frequently fall down or run out of ideas when you ask them about what the myriad of conspiracies mean. Is the main point that there are those who want to bankrupt our world economy? Are they hinting that we need rebellion? Are they saying that the end times are upon us? What? I attempt to make my meanings clear, in all my posts. I frequently try to discuss, not only important topics, but I try to reflect upon the languages in which I speak and how the meanings behind the words extract specific truths.

I nearly always come back to the same several messages. I feel that if we want to call ourselves human beings, we should be practicing a more humanitarian approach to living amongst one another and be living in harmony rather than discord with nature. I know that it is a lot to ask, especially when we face the most unequal distribution of wealth in centuries, but one can always hope. Today, the news has come out that worldwide, the wealthiest 85 people own as much as (3.5 billion people) half of the rest of us. Never has the wealth gap been so large. What that means to me cannot be that much different from the many billions of oppressed people who slave away for their (that wealthiest sliver of a percent) enrichment. The meaning of even mentioning it is because as unequal as the distribution curve has been distorted, revolution is inevitable.

I joke with people in theater frequently about the fact that when what we do for a living begins to make sense, we need to be on our guard, or find a different line of work. Things can only go bad from there. The meaning behind the jibes is that landing a life sized helicopter onstage or dropping a chandelier from the ceiling just cannot make sense, except in our industry. Backstage, we continue to try to manufacture altered states of reality. Very little about that process ever makes sense. I remember many years ago, I told someone that one day they would sell water in bottles and it would cost more than soda. I was ridiculed and made to wonder if there might be something wrong with me. A much wiser man than myself once said, "All truth goes through three stages, First, it is denied, then questioned, finally it is accepted as fact." In my own pursuit of meaning, I utilize every means necessary to extract truth. I grasp at straws, communicate by smoke signals, try to grasp hold of what people may be wrestling themselves and help. sometimes I see my expressions of that meaning acting as an anchor, holding fast against murky delusions, thrust upon us by those who control the very language that shapes a deceitful, didactic social and political landscape.

When we learn that the vast majority of the population of the planet see the world much the same way. We need to understand why, perhaps then we can focus out efforts on creating the next big thing, simultaneously making our footprint as small as possible so that when the current structure topples it won't crush us. Unless one understands the art and science of sustainability, this meaning may be completely lost in translation because I mean that there is a relationship between our organism and the entire ecosphere. Punishing those who would act against the best interests of the rest of us is not enough. We need to take back our dignity and make our livings from things that they can never get their hands on. Buy nothing that will accrue to their greedy fingers. The ability to isolate criminals on entire islands or continents is over. We can no longer send someone out of the tribe or community. To have an impact on the ultra wealthy, we would need to practice an economic shunning so complete, that they will have a hard time buying a hot-dog or cup of coffee. The abuse and neglect that they have suffered is their issue. Dealing with that, not exuding power and control on the rest of us is the only thing that can possibly help.

I sincerely hope that this has some meaning for you...

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