Monday, May 19, 2014

Spiritual Giving

Spiritual giving is one of the things that kept me sane in my darkest hours. Sharing the gifts of spirituality with others paves the way for all the more physical and less rarefied, realms of experience. Often, when the darkest hours are upon us, the only thing we have left to illuminate our lives is the spirit within us or that which resides within others. Cultivating a relationship with our spirit, nurturing this guide within us and honoring the gifts that come from our soul's search for fulfillment may be the only thing that can keep us sane in a world thrown out of balance by those who would abuse and neglect not only the people of the planet, but the planet herself.

A spiritual gift can be as simple as a smile or as complex as compassion. It can manifest as a back rub, a restorative hug, or even putting whatever you were thinking about doing on hold long enough to hear the words of another. spiritual gifts are often the easiest to forget about but they also have the most profound power to transform and the most crucial for changing the course of development of other organisms and creatures. When our spirit is beaten down, ignored, abused or neglected, it has ramifications in all other realms. Our physical body begins to break down or rebel, our thoughts become contaminated with fear and doubt and our emotions become less stable and reliable. Like driving a car in which every nut and bolt have become loose, we founder amongst a rattling contraption that cannot hold direction or effectively move forward.

So many people become debilitated, through lack of understanding about this crucial component of our being that it is hard to fathom how to re-introduce spirituality into their lives. Lord and Lady know that churches frequently fall down on this account. The spiritual forces that they frequently peddle lie outside of us and requires parishioners to come to them for their weekly (or daily) "fix". In my experience, this powerful element of our being pervades all of out thoughts, all of our actions and all of our relationships, whether we know it (realize it) or not. Giving on this level simply requires us to get our egos out of the way. If we can completely forget about how this (or any particular interaction) might benefit us, we are most of the way to sharing a spirit to spirit bond that will enhance our lives forever. Spirit realm completely surrounds us all of the time, we just need to get over trusting only our senses to inform us about the world around us.

When one begins to appreciate this realm, profound changes begin to occur. Events that we may have chalked up to fate or chance become stories about how and why we do the things we do. The riches and power that sounded appealing fall away like so many masks. The tenderness that we were born with finds space to return and the childlike clarity of vision returns to clouded eyes full of expectations. Allowing spirit to move us and inform our actions, all we need to do is get our sense of self out of the way. Easily said, but it is relatively difficult in practice. This is why I wrote the sidebar, I Am Not Who I Think I Am. Whatever perceptual matrix we use to define or describe our selves is a sham and a show. We are nothing but a collection of smoke and mirrors aimed at getting us to appear as something or another to ourselves and others. What we truly are is a manifestation of lord and Lady, trapped by perception and a net of descriptors that pale in the light of who we really are. Understanding the myth that we have created around our "selves" can serve to open the doors of perception a crack, but throwing the door open wide is the only way that many will find their true spirit.

Nothing in this realm is done by half-measure, it is all or nothing. This is why I frequently say that beauty begins on the soul level and radiates out in all directions. Some people say, "She/or he smiles with his/her eyes." or that someone seems so full of light, or life. These are a recognition that their spirit is active, clearly demonstrated or close to the surface, where all can see it. When we give from this level, it never depletes us or our stores of energy, resources or abundance. Giving on this level fills us with the energy of the thousands of spirits that came before us, the millions of spirits that share the compassion for all of humanity with us at any moment and the billions of spirits that have come before us as well as creating a bridge tot he future for peaceful loving people to find their way as well. It is a calling that we cannot come back from because once you have taken your first step along this path, there is no returning to our prior conception about who we are (or were). My own work as shaman or guide has been founded on the principles of giving on this level as well as all of the others. Without the ability to be a living example of this crucial aspect of our lives, we cannot hope to fathom or navigate the turbulent depths to which we might sink. Neglecting the spirit has led to wars and conflict that have unleashed every sort of il that we have been able to imagine upon our fellow inhabitants of this planet.  My hope here is not so much to bring my readers to understanding of just what this realm is all about, but to inoculate my readers with a seed of interest that each of us will nurture and allow to grow within us. My gift is permission to explore this realm more deeply and if you ever need to discuss it further, I will offer my stories and experiences to hopefully guide you to finding your own way through this amazing realm of possibility.

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