Saturday, December 20, 2014

Change In The Whether

Whether We the People lead, or continue to follow will make the difference between whether we continue to run headlong into our own laws of diminishing returns, or take two steps back from the brink. We are all seeing climate disruption first-hand. The extreme drought that has gripped the western U.S., the prolonged cold and advent of the roving polar vortex, bifurcated for the first time ever recorded this past fall. The tsunamis, landslides, floods, hurricanes and increasingly damaging tornadoes, rain events, snow events, massive snows followed by rain, etc. are all warning signs that the atmosphere has been utterly destabilized. The size and types of extremes that we see routinely are record breaking not just in terms of "average" conditions and the extreme departure from "normal", but in the increased frequency with which all records are falling.

I really like posting links to this interactive wind map of the globe. We can watch, in real time, our airshed and the directions that the ocean of air are swirling around our planet. I'm sure that if you look to your own unique region, you will see impacts that I can only imagine.

The uprisings that are going on in The U.S. of A. are being summarily ignored by media giants in favor of the typical holiday human interest stories. If it were not for the internet, you would hardly know that disruption has become the rule at many of the protests. Dozens of cities, schools and shopping centers have been effectively turned into teach-ins, die-ins and mass public demonstrations. Other than cop on protester violence, we have seen dozens of images showing agents provocateur, looting, inciting violence and otherwise lawlessly operating. The police are the thugs in many of these events that go wrong. The actual protesters are standing up for justice, while the undercover folks are upping the ante. Beware of any participant who might try to encourage violence. What we want, and desperately need is justice. Nothing has ever burned down that helped peace and justice to break out across the land. Expecting to use hate to heal is what ignorant people advocate. We are better than that.

The winds of change have pushed the ship of state far beyond the safe waters of the oligarchs harbor. It is time to master the sails and take our culture on a new course. It will be difficult. It will be stormy, but in the end, we have just two choices. Either end up battered along some rocky coast or see things through, learn to make headway in the inevitable doldrums and gales, taking the ship of state to safer harbors. Many of us are looking forward to using our creativity and knowledge to improve conditions across the planet. With a bit of luck and some moral support from the rest of the planet, change has come and more is on the way. Blessed Be this Solstice. Stay warm and dry and as much as possible stay in the arms of loved ones. You know, you are always in their hearts.

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