Tuesday, March 24, 2015


There are, as always two sides to this concept. On one side is the sort of vulnerability that is based on mutual trust, respect and compassion, the one that most long-term marriages demonstrate effectively. In our primal state, we allowed our weaknesses and sensitivities to be read by others because we were cocooned by culture, wrapped in layer upon layer of reciprocity that gave birth to the concept we now know as "Do unto others...as you would have them do unto you." This type or aspect of vulnerability is what allows me to come to you asking for money, a way to reach my goals and dreams other than exploiting you or harassing you, it is because I need to pay my bills, like most of my readers do as well. I face the same electric and gas bills that most of the computer users on the planet do. This makes me vulnerable to the possibility of a "no money" state in which freedoms and comforts might be taken away such as loss of housing, loss of food, or other vital parts of living in civil society. This sort of vulnerability speaks volumes about the fact that we are all organisms trying to find enough resources to thrive.

The flip side of this state of being vulnerable is based on a long history of lies mistreatment, malfeasance and deceitfulness. It is the root of the idea that we must "Screw the competition, before they get a chance to screw you." We have all seen this in operation, if not, we either don't know what to look for or we are still living tribally and out of reach of "civilizing" forces. In that case, you would not be reading this. This form of vulnerability is far worse, because in the first case, an individual has to live with the risk of being hurt or taken advantage of when they reveal their weaknesses, their vulnerability. This second form has collateral fallout when the shit inevitably hits the fan. Remember the classic tale of A Christmas Carol. Everyone has written off Scrooge when the story opens. They all know that he is beyond saving and would have written him off completely had they not become accustomed to drawing meager wages from him to keep the dogs from their doors. This is the sort of vulnerability that requires police and armies, spy networks and weapons of all sorts.

Some of us have been pulling away from the second sort of vulnerability for decades, once burned twice shy. In fact, several nations are retreating from the Calvinistic economic world view that came into vogue five hundred years ago to prop up, and add validity to, the divine right of kings. What makes our planet the most vulnerable is this mind-set of the oligarchs that they not only have the right, but the duty to make decisions for the world's poor. As if, somehow, we are all incapable, "primitive" or less able to guide our lives than they are. I am routinely vulnerable and don't mind pointing it out, but the billionaire class hates it when we express ourselves, that is why protesters are always labeled and degraded by the uberwealthy. Every artist and creative force on the planet needs resources and without patrons, production slows and resources become depleted. The difference between the vulnerable individual and the vulnerable society is that when the individual is on the ropes and going down, lawyers make money on the paperwork and final disposition of any resources that remain intact. When the world economic system and the systems of exploitation and extraction have run their course, there is nothing left to speak of and the lawyers won't waste their time fighting over poisoned lands and the blight that is left behind.

I choose to be open and honest about my own weaknesses, the 1% never will.

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