Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Lucky Sevens

Today, I checked my stats. So far, my humble blog has had 27,777 views. I wanted to see what sort of power four sevens times two would have and it was interesting what I found. Beyond the fact that there are seven deadly sins, lucky sevens, seven sisters and seven circles form the "seed of life". Japan boasts seven lucky gods, there are dozens of tie ins with the number seven. One of the many things that turn out to be interesting about the number seven is that in numerology, finding wisdom and sharing it with others...transformation of the gold of enlightenment through the ether and conveying it to another place, perhaps another time.

I have long believed that when authors speak across the ages and stir our present day soul, that part of the author becomes immortal. To have penned words that reverberate through history, or which as so sublime as to make future humans cry of shout out in joy, leads millions of authors on a quest into time. The likelihood that any of the many words will stir after hundreds of years remains to b seen, but with technology blossoming, more and more are willing to try. I hope that when my writings are looked at, today or ever after, they are at least cogent if not sublime.
This is a retort with way too small a fire under it.

When your true purpose, finding wisdom and sharing it, comes up out of the blue so to speak, yet has such a crescendo of causality, it has to make at least one reflect. So far, I have done a good job. I wish that each of my readers would, or could, go find a 522 page book and send me the price of that book. The work of a writer is filling in the spaces between ideas to crate a net of meaning in which to catch bigger fish. Perhaps, not sweat the small stuff.

As a digital format writer, I am not sure what it was about the half dozen or so most popular posts, but for some reason they must have been shared and caught the imaginations of those who read them. I look back from time to time and read the more popular and less popular posts and still don't know why they resonate differently. Five hundred twenty two posts at one per day would take a year and a half to read. Giving each one a week to be reflected upon, my material at this blog alone would provide ten years of reading material.

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