Wednesday, June 15, 2016

This Moon

...Has taken me from the greatest depths to the highest heights. I lost another friend to cancer and got the details of another friend's death. Husband and wife, these people were heroes before the day I met them. Luckily, as an activist, I became aware of them, seeing the fire of life alive inside them inspired and helped shape my own identity. However, even within this loss was a seed, of reaping the fruits of their lives works...planting seeds of wonder and awe in our next generation. We need a summer movie that speaks to the same ideas within It's A Wonderful Life. The art of the give-back is rarely discussed. However, those who refine and perfect it are oft' blessed.

I have also been on the ultimate bliss trip because I will be giving a biochar class for people visiting the MREA (Midwest Renewable Energy Association) Energy Fair. Biochar: Ancient Miracle. Getting a chance to potentially talk to another dozen or three  people about char will be amazing. Not only will this help tell the story of char, so that it can be relearned by our civilization, but it will double the production of land upon which it is used. This is the in essence alchemy, literally turning dirt (carbon) to soil (gold), the energy added in charring could be considered a form of sacrifice, or tribute. It reduces by fifty percent the volume of the original cell structure, but preserves it like making billions and billions of microscopic pores upon which life can thrive (by honoring this biomass that is used as "raw material", we also honor and venerate future generations by facilitating possibilities in  new ways of life for them.) Again, this form of practicing the give back, is as much art as science... adding life and all that life needs to exist in harmony with other organisms, is akin to a chess game, certain number of things lie beyond control, however, part of it is like having a garden, or fish tank, a bit of rigor and practice makes it easy to maintain a stable culture.

Like the yogurt and beer maker, who know what conditions their yeasts and bacteria will thrive in, we know what conditions exists in a healthy soil ecosystem, so duplicating the mineral and nutrient requirements becomes relatively easy. By all accounts, learning to make and use biochar may be the most important thing for people to know how to do.

On a more global level, I had been riding high amid a tide of folks who got really excited about my running for Congress. Virtually everyone I talked to signed the nomination papers and a half dozen friends helped by collecting some too, so I ended up being short the number of signatures to get on the ballot. With overwhelming support, I had to work, improve my "property" and attend to other matters, so I could only put so many days into meeting people, one-on-one or in small groups. I had been riding high at the start and the campaign has transformed and gets that much harder to explain, but...write-ins are the hardest votes to steal...they have to be hand counted!


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