Thursday, December 15, 2016

What's the Dif'?

I have seen a number of responses to the recent non-election, I mean the coming electoral college vote in the U.S. of A. We are complacent about the fact that the loser of our decidedly un-popular election will take the highest office in our nation after having lost by over three million votes. If everyone had voted who is qualified to, that would be over 1% better for the winner when compared to the loser, but only half of us actually turned out to vote, so the discrepancy is doubled. Two percent does not sound like much, but if our bodies contained two percent less water, that would be a problem. If we changed our fuel efficiency two percent, we could go to the gas station one less time each year. Fans of microbrews make a huge deal over beer that has two percent more alcohol and two percent interest change could cost thousands of dollars over the repayment period. The responses that have been the result of the recent elections in our nation seem to be overwhelming, but only to those that have watched the events of the last two months closely.

Some of people have decided to keep their heads down, hoping it will all blow over in four years. Others have reacted violently, against minorities, against those who they feel are "different", against their own interests, although they have not realized it yet. some have violently turned their heads away in anger, disgust, frustration and contempt for our system that not only allows, but condones the inequality of our citizens. Some understand that the campaign of the future leader of the free world was only based on one thing, a seemingly inexhaustible pot of money paired with lies. We have been told lies about what threatens our way of life, lies about who is to blame, lies about how we are going to "fix" things and lies about the past that are so ignorant of what our past was really like that they call into question the sanity of the 24% of our nation who cast their ballot in favor of the lies.

Yep, now we can live in an age where getting less than a quarter of the populace to stand up and cast their vote for you can still be called a "mandate". We must understand that when a person lies over 90% of the time, even this fiction can be perceived as real. Now, the real question is whether or not any of it matters. The oligarchs were going to run up the stock market regardless of who got put into office, they have a crash to oversee. The fleecing of America continues unabated and if letting people think that they too can participate in a get rich quick scheme, even if it only lasts a few moons, heck, all the better for those holding the vast majority of the wealth already. Every single person being proposed for the next administration's cabinet has been a vehement proponent of dissolving the agencies they are being selected to oversee. This would be somewhat akin to getting rid of slavery by simply killing all of the slaves.

I think that most of my readers have gathered that I am not a "fan" of big government. I probably would be considered a Libertarian if there was a way to assure that every single person would exhibit morality and ethics that are beyond reproach. However, until we create a race of honest human beings, who practice equitable distribution of resources based on compassion, humility and humanity, a race of human beings who are actively cooperative, compassionate and supportive of one another generally, eliminating government involvement in our lives is out of the question. The current corrupt system has a vested interest in convincing us that anyone who exhibits such traits are either hopelessly naive, living in a dreamworld, or just not paying attention. Is there anyone who still wonders why there are no lengths to which the corporate-owned media will go to any lengths to bring us images and stories of mayhem, destruction and senseless tragedy? This is an active attempt to get us to ignore the fact that our neighborhoods are currently safer than they have ever been, the world itself is suffering under fewer deaths and casualties from war than ever in our history and that we are, in fact, kind, loving, compassionate and cooperative at heart. none of these truths make for good television, burning buildings make compelling tee vee, even when the audio track seeks to get us to blame the victims. There is a reason that in the info-tainment industry their number one rule is, "If it bleeds, it leads."

The difference, and the reason that I spend hours each week researching, paying close attention and thinking about these sorts of issues stands in direct contrast to the thugs who are seeking to get us to sequester ourselves away from the world, shut our minds and eyes to the truth and to hide behind our black out curtains and tune in to our telescreens. People with far more money than I may ever have are in the business of collecting the royalties they get from your fear.
This stone circle, back-filled with soil will be the new home for my tee pee. Living in a circular home presents so many connections to the living planet that it is hard to communicate.
This concrete rectangle is the foundation for a sewage pumping station just down the block from where I live. All of this trash was found in just twenty minutes within a hundred foot radius of a trash can. When people perceive the world around them as hostile and hopeless, they are far more willing to participate in the destruction of our sacred planet.

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