This is one of the most filthy lies perpetrated upon the majority of Americans (again, I mean citizens of the U.S.A.) fake news extends back to the beginning of time. I'm sure that some cave people reported falsely about events that happened to them while they were away from the rest of the group. There will always be a few pathetic souls who are pathological liars, but for the most part, stories get told that reflect the perspective of the person telling them. Great to know if you are trying to get at truth through the experiences of others. For instance, in all the court cases that have been resolved around the current POSOTUS, The message is never, "Would you want to make a deal with a serial delinquent or non-payer of their debts?" Gag orders accompany any legal settlement, so the aggrieved cannot even explain what happened or how it was resolved. The very same person, the current bumbler in chief, blew through a three billion dollar fortune, just making himself seem big and important. Fake news would to be to say that he's ethical and patriotic. No oligarch-owned news service would tell you that. When it is told, it is not fake, just because someone disagrees with it. The vast majority of people realize that grave dangers are common now that threaten life on the planet and that current leadership is not capable of steering a course to true security, stable monetary policy, and that there is nothing they could do to inspire confidence. Instead, the truth is, we see an endless clown car of idiots unfurled for all to see. Each Teathuglican speech seems to get more and more incoherent, but to point that out is fake news?
As far back as I can remember, there were lies put out over the air waves and in print about one group or another. The FBI, CIA, and a variety of other agencies with acronyms conspired to release false information about groups or individuals who represented a political philosophy that put truth above rhetoric and action above the learned helplessness that the oligarchs are so adept at fostering within us! Today, I learned of another resounding success story, the Sardinian currency, Sardex, allows island residents to barter real wealth for products and services knowing that it is a system they can trust . That trust extends to local investments helping local people. The way "commerce" is supposed to work. People want virtual currencies everywhere and developing monetary policy that allows for the future of money...who can say? The new age offers powerful resources that could encourage, not discourage participation in government. We are, after all, supposed to be, as Lincoln said, by, of and for the people. No mention of corporations, for good reason! The fake news is that people like me represent a "threat" to civil society. In fact, we the people not only deserve, but are responsible for seeking out and finding our own truth, not manufacturing it through the application of lies, but finding facts, representing them to the best of our ability and trying not to infer conclusions from partial data. That is why science-based decision-making is one of the campaign pledges that I have based the campaign on.
This week I became aware of data from the State of Wisconsin regarding cuts to local school boards in the state budget. In one year alone, the 8th Congressional District
has had nearly ten million dollars in cuts to local school boards. This is reality. Education is the one tool that has been proven to increase quality of life over the years. Reducing both the availability and/or quality of this vital civilizing force is an outright assault on future generations. Nothing was said about this in the news. The airwaves and print media instead focused on tragedies from across the globe, distracting us from what is going on right in our state, right in our neighborhoods, even in our own local schoolhouses. I am continuing to run for Congress. I will not be cowed by the oligarchs, I will not accept their interpretation regarding what I need to know. I will continue to investigate, utilize truth and facts. I will stand up for real people, regardless of their age, disability or whether they can afford to contribute to political campaigns. Part of the reason I am only writing one post per moon this year is that it takes time to campaign and I have to prioritize my time to spend more of it spreading the word about my candidacy.
As far back as I can remember, there were lies put out over the air waves and in print about one group or another. The FBI, CIA, and a variety of other agencies with acronyms conspired to release false information about groups or individuals who represented a political philosophy that put truth above rhetoric and action above the learned helplessness that the oligarchs are so adept at fostering within us! Today, I learned of another resounding success story, the Sardinian currency, Sardex, allows island residents to barter real wealth for products and services knowing that it is a system they can trust . That trust extends to local investments helping local people. The way "commerce" is supposed to work. People want virtual currencies everywhere and developing monetary policy that allows for the future of money...who can say? The new age offers powerful resources that could encourage, not discourage participation in government. We are, after all, supposed to be, as Lincoln said, by, of and for the people. No mention of corporations, for good reason! The fake news is that people like me represent a "threat" to civil society. In fact, we the people not only deserve, but are responsible for seeking out and finding our own truth, not manufacturing it through the application of lies, but finding facts, representing them to the best of our ability and trying not to infer conclusions from partial data. That is why science-based decision-making is one of the campaign pledges that I have based the campaign on.
This week I became aware of data from the State of Wisconsin regarding cuts to local school boards in the state budget. In one year alone, the 8th Congressional District
has had nearly ten million dollars in cuts to local school boards. This is reality. Education is the one tool that has been proven to increase quality of life over the years. Reducing both the availability and/or quality of this vital civilizing force is an outright assault on future generations. Nothing was said about this in the news. The airwaves and print media instead focused on tragedies from across the globe, distracting us from what is going on right in our state, right in our neighborhoods, even in our own local schoolhouses. I am continuing to run for Congress. I will not be cowed by the oligarchs, I will not accept their interpretation regarding what I need to know. I will continue to investigate, utilize truth and facts. I will stand up for real people, regardless of their age, disability or whether they can afford to contribute to political campaigns. Part of the reason I am only writing one post per moon this year is that it takes time to campaign and I have to prioritize my time to spend more of it spreading the word about my candidacy.
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