Monday, April 15, 2019


Rock bottom in the age of extreme resource extraction.
500 years of colonization have left us addicted to fossil fuels,
short-sighted "development" and resource wars.
where has our pursuit of the American Dream led us?
How can we begin the road to recovery?

Our water, source of all life is being threatened by a trio of new, extreme extraction processes:
Fracking, tar sands and sulfide mining.

This blog attempots to share hard-hitting, honest analysis,
entertaining and compassionate story-telling,
with graphics from Beehive Collective
and stories from around the Great Lakes.
The beaver is just doing what beavers do, however, whole ecosystems develop and thrive upon their decisions and actions. Last Summer, I walked on a ten foot tall beaver dam and saw more than a dozen species all helped by a single beaver family.

The information preceding the photo was taken pretty much wholesale from the Beehive Collective. Their works are in the public domain as part of the Creative Commons. I urge all of my readers to donate to their cause, as well as support my work at paypal. My account there is my e-mail,

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