Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Beginning 90-day Challenge

 As we continue past second harvest and into winter's grasp, I am striking out, anew working to spread the knowledge our ancient ancestors taught one another before the advent of written language. I recently made a campaign device that helps spread the inner philosophy behind my campaign for Congress. This may not have happened without joining many others in their commitment to projects of their own. In my tradition of using as much obtanium, as possible, cast off items that were corporate throughput or made to eventually garbage that results from planned obsolescence. This is but a wrinkle in the fabric of the net that captures larger fish. Upon a Popsicle stick, perhaps the ultimate obtanium, (you can't have a Popsicle without it, but from the start it is doomed to be waste, just like the packaging.) I made a saddle, like a tent sign of paper and I made a re-useable business card for my campaign. People can pass them on, and on, and on. Since my platform has been the same since age seven, many truths have come to light. A large number of my posts are speaking to those issues, but upon this tiny note reads:Saladino 4 District 8 True Security Debt-free Education and Healthcare End Corporate Welfare!
The back side reads:the URL for this page and my phone number. I have stood on the front porches of several hundred thousand people across Northeast Wisconsin, talking about Environmental issues mostly but also, working on get out the vote campaigns or campaigns of local interest. Using an item that would normally be trash, but that has been wrought by human effort begins the process of catching those bigger fish. Instantly, the recipient can be informed of the source. You don't do that typically with business cards. I have made thousands by hand, but each one is a one off and it shows. All share the same messages. If they could each fit my platform, they would be at least the size of a postcard, but rather small print, but to understand it, you must read and understand the Earth Charter. 

The Earth Charter is a document that lays out the basic strategy to which we must all lean to create hope for the future being tenable for our species. I do not like gloom and doomers preaching so I won't either, but when we know the score, but refuse to admit time is running out on the clock, I scream FOUL! It is a crime against humanity to either throw up our hands and say, "We're fucked, it's gonna happen no matter what." especially when we know what works. We need to do everything we can to make the best of what we've got and in our world. We've got more of virtually everything than anyone who ever existed for most of human history had before. What we have today, all the world's knowledge at our fingertips, running water, fossil fueled slave machines, these are all new to humanity. Stretching back over nine thousand years ago, there were guys teaching others to grow twice as much produce from their soil, sequestering carbon and improving soil quality for millennea. Before the advent of written language, human beings taught one another how to do this. I teach the old ways, using modern technology.

                                                                    Campaign patches!

My three months, which two weeks has passed already, is turning into a bigger deal than I ever imagined. Not only did I commit to making ten kilos of char, but recording the process of all the steps required to make top quality biochar. With the intent to make a video series of short steps to take to get the best results. My motivation is that I have watched dozens of online biochar videos, spent dozens of hours watching the ways people try to teach about it, and in each one there were several things that were not covered, incompletely expliained or just glossed over. Potentially fatal flaws if someone has not yet understood the goal. My videos will showcase the need for understanding the idea of strength through diversity and that the best biochar fulfills the needs of the greatest number and more importantly the greatest variety, types and kinds of microbes. This in turn boosts the CEC of the soil, making nutrients and minerals available to plants, but also mediates and moderates extremes, which is essential in destabilized climates. This has implications depending on how many local sources of nutrients you can find, or produce onsite. Locally available technologies, feedstocks and nutrients are literally money in the bank. I want to get across the importance of emulating soil in as many ways as possible. 

A am putting together a team for getting the film done and my book is nearly ready to publish!

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