Saturday, April 14, 2012

Sex and Pizza

Are a lot alike, even if they are bad, you are probably gonna have some. A friend shared this somewhat troubling maxim with me yesterday. I am just a little afraid that the truth of the statement lies deeper than I was first willing to admit, even to my self. Having had bad pizza as well as bad sex, I can attest to the fact that indeed, I have had some of each. There were only a few times that the level of badness led to stopping the practice altogether. When we sate, it seems, the three or four main, reptilian brain functions, they can be very tenacious and hold sway over the larger, higher brain function. Why we ever developed a higher brain if we are not going to use it is for each of us to answer in our own ways. I can only offer observation and a bit of insight, perhaps in a not too garbled form, to bring you into a place along your path along which the "view" to this subject opens up and hopefully, this will allow you to achieve your potential more fully. Not, for fornicating more frequently, even if it is bad, or for that matter eating more bad pizza, but I leave my thoughts to protect you from more of either.

You may already be aware of the urges of the reptilian brain Flee/Fight, Feed, F**K (I like fornicate, it sounds cooler but some are still deluded into thinking that there is a sanctity in these matters that may only be conferred by religious authority. I am partly here to tell you that this is patently untrue!) The reason i numbered these at three or four is because the first two are actually a continuum of one urge. I am here to tell everyone, in case they ever forget, flee should be over 85% of the total. Flee to the Masonic guidelines of "Eight hours of work, Eight hours for food and rest, Eight hours for helping others." Flee to the place where you feel most self actualized and this will also help keep your mind off average, or worse pizza. What I advocate is, recognizing that there are only three, respect the fact that they each have the power to override the higher brain, stay away from bad fleeing or fights, food and fornication, end of story.
Bad fleeing is turning your head away from things that need to be fought, or at least keeping them in darkness and not dealing with them or their fallout. Bad fighting is against foes who do not matter to anyone but us or that enlist innocent blood in the process of vanquishing whatever we choose to fight. The bad food hurts not only yourself, but the planet itself. Producing wonderful, delicious food is our birthright and there is about the same amount of time available for bad food as bad beer, NONE! At last, if we do participate in far less than average sex, it runs the risk of potential problems because no sex is absolutely "safe", no matter your precautions, but it runs the risk of wasting two people's time instead of just one and if the other person is not also aware that it is bad, they might be encouraged to engage in such activity again.

Help stop bad sex, bad pizza , frivolous and ineffective fights, and never run from what you have the power to change! Blessings readers and may you gain strength from these words and find ways of sharing words of pure love amongst our fellow human beings and find ways of working more magic into each moment of your existence!

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