Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Terror and Treason

We have held our citizens hostage, threatened them with all manner of scary lies and subjected them to a variety of inhumane treatment at the hands of the largest banks, the insurance companies and "traditional" institutions. Those who hold the wealth have had a free ride in our economic system, dictating their own levels of taxation, their own interest rates and in some cases the standards of living that the poorer classes will have to endure.  The legal casinos that are the "markets" routinely strip wealth from the less experienced investors and shuffle the aces to the top of the deck for those with the most to lose. The "too big to fail" are deemed so for a good reason, they have been getting their way for too long to have to learn how to actually produce something of value.

Big money let their fortunes ride on Republicans in the most recent elections in the U.S. of A. They were handed their hats in spite of spending massive sums to tear down our President as well as the recovery that is underway. These billions of dollars could have had a significant effect on building the economy, but through all manner of treachery and deceit, it has evaporated back into the hands of a select few who control media. When our nations sustain repeated attacks from the wealthiest and most powerful individuals, governments seem to not notice. In fact, the most wealthy and most powerful are given massive subsidies, freedom to pollute and legal routes to exploit workers, families and those less able to defend themselves against their attacks.

The Rethuglican approach during this election cycle was to blame the poor for their lot, claim that government spending is out of control and put forward the idea that all of our problems could be solved by loosening the reigns on the most powerful forces and the top 1% who they called "job creators". Luckily, the general public kept their heads. In spite of over six billion dollars being spent, mostly by the wealthiest amongst us, truth won out. Terribly, the mass media continues to accentuate the differences amongst us, rather than informing us about where our opinions are being created. hundreds of billions of dollars are being held out of the economy by the wealthiest players, "earning" returns on investment that dwarf the average wage earner's income. Meanwhile we are told that taxing the wealthy in a progressive fashion would be a dis-incentive to work. Truly hogwash.

Wen agents act against the interests of their fellow countrymen, it is called treason. When, for instance, the Germans work to put Greeks into servitude with their extractive economic policies, this flies in the face of "economic union". The same is going on across America. bankers collect obscene profits while homes are foreclosed daily. Lives are thrown into chaos at the same time the top earners are given huge pay increases. In addition to being told that we are going to lose our jobs if we stand up for human rights, or that if we do such and such, there will be hell to pay, we are simultaneously told that we do not qualify for any help because we exhibit true and pressing need. but those great exploiters and the greediest amongst us are given more corporate welfare than ever before. It is past time to stand up for justice and get the word out about the truth behind the lies that we are force fed by the top 1%. World-wide, we must all stand together, or we will surely all hang separately.

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