Thursday, March 21, 2013

Props To Nancy

Usually, during the course of a week, there are several things that get said that Nancy responds to by saying "That would be a good blog post." Often the quip or concept has been on our minds for quite some time. Nearly always, these statements are arrived at through a [peculiar insight and just the right tumbling out of words. These unique phrases or statements concisely sum up the angst and direction that can be taken to heal wounds and establish more just scenarios that both conserve resources and liberate talent, skills and attitudes from the shackles of slavery to the old ideal that we now recognize to be power and control. I try to heed her admonitions and dozens of posts come after her approval of my somewhat random distillation of ideas. Frequently it can be a struggle, trying to properly define terms or research current affairs to get to the nugget or core values that affect change.

A gift came to me is a quote attributed to John Barrymore. "A person is not old until regrets take the place of dreams."

One of my dreams is to reforest much of the East River Watershed.

Precious few of us make it through the process of growing up without the horrible scars that result from abuse and neglect. Please, understand that this is not an attack of any or all parents, it is just a plain fact. I once met a woman who went through her life amassing an arsenal of masters degrees and doctorates to prove her worth. her formative experience that took days top find hidden deep within her psyche was that one day, when she was about six or seven years old, she remembered bringing some of her art home from school. She had been ebullient with pride at her creation, crafted with love for her father. Upon reaching home, she took her prize to be shown off to her papa and he dismissed her summarily, saying that he had important work to do and did not have time for her.

Some will scoff at this first world problem, but from that point forward, the rest of her life had been a race to show her father that she was not only capable, but worth his attention. None of the graduation days, or diplomas, not one of the professional organization memberships or even financial success felt good to her. In her heart, she just wanted her father to have time for her, traumatically, she wanted it as much in her late thirties as she had when she was a child. What child has not had a need unmet? Even when children have wanted for no physical comfort, they might feel shunned when parents or care-givers ignore them. sometimes, the only assault on a child is when someone squashes their dreams, or foists upon them unrealistic circumstances that only served to bind them in their own generation.

Somewhere, today, there is a young child who has worked at length to show a parent how much they love them. Let us all hope that their creative energy is rewarded by simply paying attention. Without an intact and functioning dream machine within each and every one of us, we will forever be handicapped. Why else would we be blessed with imagination and intellect? Most of the people I share these ideas with get a picture of what my meaning might be, but my joy lies in the fact that what I write about and speak of is universal, although our vocabulary is not. Like spokes on a wheel, we are each coming from our own direction and without each one working with all the others, the entire wheel of life would collapse. I am lucky to have such a sensitive and astute partner in life. she is often able to elicit from me a more clear or more fundamental understanding of the various issues that I ponder. If we were not so aware of potential and abundance, we would never expect or encourage change. It is immensely important for me to have someone so smart to help me to recognize when my words are clear enough and concise enough to share.

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