Saturday, May 25, 2013

Community Center As Close to Ground Zero As Strip Club

I didn't learn until today (now more than a year ago.) about Newt Gingrich's involvement in the issue. Go Figure. People, why is it fine to have fast food restaurants, an Irish Pub, Off Track Betting, and Nudity (not the wholesome kind) within two blocks of where the World Trade Center stood, but a community center? C'mon. I'm a Pagan, all of our symbols and holidays have been co-opted by Christians and others while they simultaneously killed off my pagan ancestors (way more than 3,000) who would not convert. Every religious building, even down to the Salvation Army, desecrates my hallowed ground with centuries of spiritual misunderstanding and hate. Woe are ye who espouse American Values of tolerance and inclusion, but refuse to be welcoming of those who seek to share the positive aspects of their culture with you. Can no one see that the people who want to develop the community center wish only to share what their core beliefs and aspirations are? That puts it in the sweet spot that is articulated in the free expression part of the "Bill of Rights"

The lightning rod of the Cultural Center, which will contain a small mosque...(How many of us have ever been to a Hospital? Do they not have chapels? Again, when we draw lines for hand-picked, "others" that do not exist for the rest of society, we step into dangerous territory.)...draws it's power from unresolved feelings associated with 9-11. I stand by the concept that I originally proposed, before the pile of rubble and body parts had cooled. Plant a tree for each and every person who passed away that day. The power of the number would be realized as a mature forest took shape. The loss would become a gain for us. Anything else that would enhance the scar and pay homage, ultimately to the terrorists. The powerful message that we could send is that we are establishing a living memorial that over time will ignore the attack while memorializing our dead. There is more than enough space there to plant 3,000 trees. 3,000 benches could be associated with the trees and provide support for generations to come in the names of the dead. This would be a fitting memorial.

Since the massaging of the plans for ground zero bounces around between so many players, each wanting to have their hand in whatever goes on there, our national psyche remains damaged. Ultimately, whatever we build there will try to reflect our collective grief. The unsettled energy in and around national angst associated with 9-11 is ravaging us from the inside and having someone, or something to vent on was recognized by those who are diverting public opinion. The free expression clause surely covers expression that offers understanding where there has been intolerance and abiding love to those who would hate. Did not Christ himself, if you believe in him, exhibit the compassion of the Buddha? Wasn't Jesus a fan of tolerance and accommodation? Sadly, those who cloak themselves in the mantle of X-tianity forget the relationship between their god and the rest of them.

If there isn't a problem with the fast food restaurants in the area, there damned well better not be any second thoughts about the mosque-containing community center.

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