Saturday, March 8, 2014

I Want To Share

A Blog You Might Like.
I have written at length about the ability of many of us to hold two or more competing ideas in our heads simultaneously. This blog, Cognitive Dissidence, is a collection of thoughts from others who are committed to injecting truth into the political landscape and holding our leaders to the facts rather than letting them continue to subscribe to their fairy tale ideas of what our citizens want, need and require. The social contract has been broken and our culture and society in general is suffering from a cancer of fear and hate. The writers that post to this blog are peaceful loving people who feel the weight of injustice heavily in their own lives and who seek a better path forward. They are also part of the revolution that is not being televised.

It has been said that if you like laws or sausage, do not pay attention to, or learn how they are made. While I have seen the inner workings of both sausage making and legislation, I can tell you that if you want high quality in either, you have to investigate, look critically and take it upon yourself to put in a bit of extra time finding out the truth about where these things come from. The best sausage that I ever ate was from a farmer who nurtured his animals, fed them well and then, turned his pig, which had a name, into delectable sausages that included ramps that the butcher found on his daily walk in the woods on the morning the sausage was to be made.

Similarly, laws crafted by folks whose feet are firmly planted on the ground, who understand the world around them in a more intimate and caring way and who respect the need for care being taken at all levels of government will always produce a superior product. Allowing industrialization and commercialization as well as the commodification of the legislative process to rule the day has resulted in flagrant legislative violations of basic human values, ecological catastrophes, a litany of social ills, dislocation, disenfranchisement and dissolution that we see around us every day.

It is time to take back our rights as citizens, demand our birthright and to secure leadership that understand that they are working for us, not the corporate welfare whores who have been ruling the day ever since Ronald Reagan got into the oval office. Anyone who can understand that the stock market is booming at the expense of the vast majority of people who are continuing to be worse and worse off needs to get involved in making the world a better place that will not allow the needs of the few overwhelm the needs of the many.

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