Thursday, August 21, 2014

Medicinal Or Medicine?

I have nearly been one of the iatroegnic (doctor caused) deaths back in 1987. I had ridden around the Great Lakes by bicycle and had been overdosed with toxic metals, car piddle (they really call it that, cute huh?) and whatever substances had built up through the Winter. Leaving April first, it took a week to get to Superior/Duluth, my furthest point West in the trip. Spring seemed to come in two bursts of just a few days each, along the east shore, headed South along lakes Superior and Huron. In-between Sault Ste. Marie and Sudbury, there was about a week of riding around so much water and it was so close to the same temperature as the air, spring went on hold, if it came at all that week, I rose in elevation late in the week to get the chill of altitude moving away from the lake. Eighty days, spent riding, sucking car fumes and diesel, the great smogs of Gary and Chicago. Doctors diagnosed strep and gave me several rounds of antibiotics that did nothing for me. Luckily, a shaman, healer and witch friend brought me back from the edge of death. She used a pendulum to determine that the medicine I needed was cream of tartar, massive doses, way more than any sane person would ever consume. I think it was two tablespoons twice, then, halving the dose for a couple more times. I looked up what cream of tartar is, and the chemistry seemed perfect, choked down some of the most hideous material I have ever consumed and within about eight hours I could eat, the fever had passed and I was well on the way to recovery.

As far as I know, they do not teach how to use pendulums in medical school. Many people I know are so used to chemical medication that they do not think twice about taking it, sometimes in large amounts, but almost always "regularly". In my experience, healing can be accomplished for most illnesses with a short term use of vitamins and herbs. Often, if you do not take your herbs as regularly as you should, it may not affect the process very much. Many pharmaceuticals, lose effectiveness if they are not taken regularly. Another benefit of using herbs is that their effectiveness is lost slowly and is both natural and food. I believe that white willow bark has over four hundred ancillary compounds in combination, the one science selects for is acetylsalicylic acid, the rest is stripped away, yielding the proverbial "active ingredient", after a little organic chemistry experiment. My contention will always be that the herbal cures and elixirs will always be healthier, for the planet, her people and the creatures of the Earth. Many chemicals given in therapeutic doses are showing up in aquifers and surface waters because they do not break down. Unlike most complex organic molecules, (as opposed to these silver bullets) are able to swap or be food...proteins, carbohydrates and sugars transformable into other organisms. The poisons we create, remain after the "medicine" is manufactured to taint the living planet. To become a doctor, you must almost forsake any kind of knowledge that has not been handed down through hundreds of years of myopia.

I am alive, because I hit the limit of what modern medicine was willing to do for me and was given a second chance at life, during which I have given to learning about herbs and how to use them for health, recovery from illness and the important part that all foods (and sadly, many non-food items) have on either creating health (or not.). I did not start learning about vitamins, herbs and the non-medical approaches to health when I had my great recovery, I had always been interested in such things. I read everything I could get my hands on about all of the vitamins, what deficiencies looked like, what chronic conditions could be brought on by lacking important nutrients. Amazingly, my interest continues and science is finally staring to "discover" that the bacterial cultures within our gut can have profound impact on mental state and genetic changes. Cutting edge research continues and we now know that we actually inherit genes from our diet. This has always been the case, we have just never modified the diet as much as we are doing today. In human history we have never consumed as much or as many non-food items, poisons, and genetic misfits. My fear is what we are breeding out of the human race.

Our species can be looked upon like the geologic history of the planet. If you made a model of the time, but divided it like a day, we would be living in the last second of the day. The vast majority of that time we have used selective breeding techniques, selected the best seeds to plant the next year and co-created our entire diet through having affinity with every species that we exploited for both food and medicine... The earliest humans were able to breed with several species that were similar enough to them to pick up genes from several contemporaries of humans in our earliest beginnings. Some of those ancestors go back six million years. Two million years ago, humans hunted meat. 1.8 million years ago, homo erectus popped up. Neanderthals, with whom some of us actually share genetic material, didn't go extinct until about 30K years ago, taking us up to about 11:45 pm on our day long model of human existence. Ten thousand years ago, about 11:58pm, the ice age was retreating and humans only numbered about several millions worldwide. Populations were relatively stagnant until village life began. We began husbandry of seed and adopted village settlement where we stayed all year long. Thousands of years passed with only herbs for healing and our ancestors learned much from nature.  Five thousand years ago the Vedic culture in India began Ayurvedic medicine, codifying herbal treatments. By 11:59, humans began to smelt bronze. One thousand years ago, at about ten seconds to midnight, a great Arabic medical text, al-Tasrif, was translated to Latin and used for five hundred years, then the Dark Ages came. The Renaissance was at about three seconds to midnight, the midwives were burned to make room for medical doctors. At about one and a half seconds to midnight, Lewis Pasteur discovered germs and about a half second later on our imaginary clock Gregor Mendel formalized genetics as we knew them until the chemical companies, technocrats and scientists got rolling. All the scientific advances since that have occurred in just the last second of our scaled down day in the life of humans that covers our existence on this planet. We are now, at this very moment creating genetic variants never before seen on the planet and our organism as well as all those we have cultivated, held dear and cared for for all those hundreds of thousands of years has not evolved to deal with that sort of change.

We are only beginning to understand the risks and benefits of most "modern" approaches to medicine. We only look at the outcomes of treatment, not the long-term consequences of toxins in the environment that come from our current methods. We do not care that hazardous compounds are released to the environment, lowering the health of everyone to achieve our successes. We allow our selves to be manipulated by "health care" systems that emit toxic compounds intot he neighborhoods surrounding their facilities and send people home with bottles of material that could be long-lived in the environment wreaking havoc for decades or millennea.

I will continue to use herbs for health, minding what I allow into my body and trying to avoid the wastes of modern life. If anyone requires information about how to use herbs for health, please feel free to call or contact me by e-mail ( or snail-mail (1445 Porlier street Green Bay, WI USA 54301). Please include a recent photo and contact info. I have been and continue studying health and nutrition, as well as ecology and sustainability. In nature we can find all that we need to sustain us, to heal and to thrive. My work as a guide is primarily to help others to find their uniquer path to health. Food is medicine and medicine is food. Non-food is poison, or at the very least useless to our bodies.

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