Monday, July 26, 2010

The Party Who Cried "Wolf!"

I'm perplexed. I thought that all good Mothers and Fathers passed down certain information to their children that is required to to replicate cultural values and societal norms. The old story of the boy who cried wolf was one of those things that I thought "we all" knew. In light of this weeks news regarding the USDA Official who was fired over a slanderous video posted on the web, we should all be aware of the lengths that "conservative", right wing fear mongers will go to make waves, try to gain attention and undermine our Commander in Chief, his administration, and our nation generally. It seems that the more worked up they can get us, the more important they feel. As you may recall, things did not go well for the boy who cried wolf. Have none of the right wing pundits heard that if you lie repeatedly, eventually no one will listen?

I have worked in video editing. Anyone who has, knows that it isn't hard to make anyone out to be nearly anything you want them to be with enough footage and a creative approach to that craft. The fact that the message on the original video recording was the exact opposite of what appeared on the net is neither surprising or odd when you consider the source. Boys who cry "Wolf" always end up on the wrong end of the stick in the end. I remember the flush of, no, the torrent of vehement hate that followed the posting of this slanderous viral video. It makes me glad that most people said that they hate bigots, but how were they to know that the person who posted the slanderous content was one himself? It is not my job to forgive this kind of assault on real life people, media decorum and our nation's officials. It is my job to point out what it all means for the future of our country.

This particular "commentator" crossed so many lines to perpetrate his hate, that he needs to be shunned. If he has a flock, it needs to be removed from his control before they are decimated. Perhaps then he will understand the value of speaking truth and exemplifying that truth through action.

Oddly enough, I didn't want this post to be about a single person, or even the two main characters in this seamy affair, but all of us. One Nation, you know, the one we supposedly hold above all others? Why is it that when Republicans steal elections, lie to the general public and congress, take us into illegal and unjustifiable wars, get their way for two straight terms in the White House with a sympathetic congress and in the process, drive us to the brink of utter collapse and failure as a nation, they are able to paint even moderate Democrats with the broad brush of "unpatriotic" for not supporting the folks doing the very real damage to our way of life. Then, when these same "supporters" of the terrible regime have their darling policies vetoed by popular vote, they turn on the American Way with such vehemence?

For all the gloom and doom, self-righteous rhetoric that we hear spouted by the right today, you would think that we would have degenerated into a communistic police state by now. Oddly, that was mostly undertaken by the former administration. Stripping away the life savings of millions of hard working Americans was the sole purpose of the friends of the former administration, those who collapsed our economy with their unimaginably simple shell game. Selling things that only exist on paper is almost as brilliant a scam as the Federal Reserve itself, but that is another story. I'm glad that in this case, the cretin was caught lying, I just wonder how many times we will allow people like him to lie to us while continuing to believe in them.

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