Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Crazy Days

Government decides to float their loans a little longer and the stock market goes down. We can only guess that there is absolutely no correlation between the direction we take and the trading of the "markets". The ultra wealthy just found out that they won't have to brace for the eventual impact for a while yet. When the average homeowner goes into default, it usually signals the beginning of the end of a relationship. The crazy thing is that the youthful vigor of the "new republicans" would play out an unfeeling game of chicken with our nation's credit rating, stalwart ignorant political tom foolery and ignorant deception of the American people. As much as I have developed an awareness of economics, through all the study that I have done, the federal government never tightens it's belt in hard times. That would take the last life out of the economy. governments, by definition do for us what we cannot do for ourselves.

It is amazing that there are so few who see through the shallow rhetoric of the "conservative" opposition. First off, despoiling the word conservative with Republican or Tea Party values repulses all ecologists, and many more fiscal conservatives. Holding something back for the lean times is diametrically opposed to the approach that they profess. Tax cuts have not led to economic expansion, unless it was for the short term boom and bust cycles we are all too familiar with. Long-term investments in infrastructure that support our new economy, a sustainable one needs to be constantly spoken for and put back on the front burner. The entire basis of the right wing philosophy is a massive pool of money derived in tiny increments from all of us through corporate welfare, tax breaks and government incentives. Lets turn our eyes to something better and turn the heads of our leaders in doing so that they may learn to be more sustainable in their approaches as well. Those who will not be taught need to get their walking papers ASAP.

I may never know where the unbridled sense of entitlement and greed come from, but I do recognize that they are not only counterproductive, but destructive, to our economy, our humanity and our sense of who we are as a people. Getting our priorities in order and following through on the dozens of changes that we know are effective, are cheaper than business as usual, and that benefit more people for longer periods of time would in itself reduce the number of people bearing the weight of depression significantly. We see bumper stickers now days that say, "If you are not angry, you are not paying attention." as sad as it is, if you don't get depressed now and again, you are not paying attention either. Hopefully, this post, as well as The Otherfish Wrap generally will act as a rallying cry to reassert the idealism of the sixties, tempered by five decades of learning and insight. The time is ripe for massive change over a very short period.

It is time to build alliances with things that endure. I have put myself out, in more ways than I can know, for years, for what I believe in. By expressing my own perception, gained through study and struggle to find a route to sustainability, perhaps I will foster the inevitable changes that must come to pass if we are to thrive on our planet. I appreciate your time spent thinking about the issues that I raise. making change based on hostility, anger or desperation often leads to deeper problems down the line. we stand at a portal to the future, we must jump free and grapple with a new reality to be able to meet the challenges that loom on the horizon. when we allow the top five hundred companies to hold as much cash and short term debt to offset the entire bailout package, we cannot expect the economy to come out of it's torpor. The only entities with any cash to spend are the corporations that put us in this predicament to begin with. Unless they suddenly become satisfied with less, we stand to languish at least until the next elections to be sure.

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