Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Other Side Of Oneness

We have been led, like a bull with a ring in it's nose, to the belief that duality surrounds us. If x,then y, black and white, sciencey thinking are partly to blame, but our religions and arts have mostly failed to keep pace with the truth of the matter. Since that photo of our planet from space, the undeniable truth is that we are one. The agape love that we use to define love of creator, needs to be shared for not only our brothers and sisters, but for the other creatures we share the planet with, the Earth itself and the many diverse people inhabiting her. Human history has led us to believe in competing forces, spoils and conquest as inevitable forces in a giant complex relationship of power and control. The nature of oneness has been relegated to esoteric works of philosophy and spirituality while our mundane world is billed as dog eat dog and a lifelong struggle over scant resources.

In fact, this warped view has such a massive amount of human energy bound and gagged, tied up in struggle as to be crippling for the whole of the human race. The very fabric of cultures has been frayed, the dialogue that could lead to harmony and sustainability has been largely ignored. Instead we are spoon fed rhetoric that accentuates difference and worships the adversarial charade that those who hold humanity captive orchestrate for our diversion.  When American corporations hold 1.2 trillion dollars as security against the unknown future but the government felt desperate enough to borrow that much to float the ultra rich more loans, the last thing you want to be telling people is that we are all brothers and sisters, entitled to peace and security, hospitality in our own nation and among the nations of a shrinking planet. A smaller and smaller number of billionaires have discovered how to extract more capital from the  bamboozled public, the sleight of hand which they hide behind allows our rage to be parried, our anger to be sublimated onto the innocent and our tastes to wander in the direction of feeding them more money faster. Like the trend in weaponry, in which every major development resulted in being able to kill more people faster, in capitalism, the development of the entire system are based on extracting more wealth faster as well.

Being one with our neighbors has a frightening side. This is most apparent to those who bought into the myth of increased leisure, perpetrated by technocrats, those who are extremely nationalistic and folks who cannot grasp the immensity of the big lie. Security lies in a different direction than we have ever been allowed to look. The hippies came the closest to straying, almost unintentionally, into that turf. Peace Love and Understanding are not just trendy ideals, they are the only way to assure that we step back from the precipice of mutually assured destruction. Luckily, we have had some talk about ending the nuclear era, but much needs to be done to eliminate further forays into this desperate realm. Never will the costs of 10,000 years of "safe storage" of nuclear waste offset the benefit of running an air conditioner or refrigerator. Those who have installed solar and wind energy are being made to jump over higher and higher standards, while the nuclear industry is getting their regulations reduced and the standards and practices they are required to maintain are being slashed. It makes the people paying attention wonder why the public should take the risk for the "development" of a new series of nuclear generating stations. The billions that are being proposed to bail out this hazardous and net energy consumptive industry could liberate us from our stagnant economy if we would only spend it on renewable sources that are available on the shelf, today.

As odd as it will sound to those who buy the corporate line, there is no other side of oneness. The lies perpetrated by the duality crowd need constant propping up, at tremendous cost and which will never achieve stability. The truth needs no support, it stands alone as a testament to itself. Reaching out to one another requires nothing more than listening to our hearts, rather than our brains. Act in accord with what you feel to be true, not what you have been told, and things will turn out just fine. When we reflect on our lives, we never say, I should have destroyed more, I should have invested in more death camps, more pools of poison gas, more weapons and more subterfuge. Few, if any, ever tell themselves, I should have left my children more debt, more ill-will or more messes to clean up. Tragically, this is what duality has led to. the duplicity and deception reflected in most of our politics and virtually all of our media have done more to keep us afraid and alone than the world's religions combined. Kill your television is now possible, not the box with the cathode ray tube, but the prepackaged rhetoric that continues to cleave us apart rather than inspiring oneness. fight for your right to choose to hear the truth, educate yourself and welcome the Aquarian Age. the time has come to follow the water bearers into the new age of love, peace and understanding.

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