Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Seven Posts Per Month

Before I knew much of anything about blogging, I asked a few people what it takes to have a successful blog. I did a bit of research and they said that regular posts would help readership. I had written a few blog posts on a different site, but that was part of a social network of pagans at paganspace.net under the name Saladman. I surmised that if most of my feedback from fellow pagans was positive, it was time for a blog that addressed the general public. I know the level of research and depth that i like to explore subjects and I also figured that just a bit less than twice per week I could come up with something to write about. After committing to seven posts per month, I found out just how difficult writing at this level can be. Rather than a mere travel log, or diary, I try to expand the reader, politically, intellectually, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Understanding that we are a complex organism whose energy comes from the Sun, reaping all of our nutrients from the mediation of other organisms leads me to several fertile areas of exploration. During this adventure, I try to post ideas and experiences that can convey a deeper understanding of the ecology of mind that we all create for ourselves.

When we till the ground of difference, planting seeds of hate and estrangement, the world can begin to look pretty hostile. If I can glean a single nugget of disaster in my writing, it is from sounding like a Henny Penny (of "The sky is falling!" fame)There is a major extinction event taking place on earth at this time and humans may succumb to our own dastardly ways, but I sincerely believe the opposite. i think that through evolutionary changes, we will come to our deeper senses and realize that the natural world has more to teach us than our "modern" sciences can ever hope to understand. That is why I have been writing so much about bio-char, land reclamation and tree planting. Bearing in mind that all physics is fractile in nature, from the deltas of rivers to the headwaters, from the formation of ice crystals to the metamorphosis of insects, the blossoming of nature is reflected in myriad ways. We are poised on the verge of a great river of change but powerful interests lack the courage to dip their toe into the torrent of change.

I have shared the fact that a single line of trees can increase crop yields up to six times their height out into the field, this information could be leading us to a future of shelterbelts, criss-crossing the landscape, at intervals of about six times their height. I have explained the way bio-char works as a condo complex for microbes that help create healthy soil, keep it from drying out and hold the necessary moisture upon which all life thrives. As long as our economic system subsidizes fossil energy inputs and shifts favor to giant multi-national corporations, the deck will remain stacked against doing the right things. Each time I write, I am sitting down to urge people everywhere to do the right things, even if the financial rewards seem small. Investing in the things that make the most difference often have no financial reward. I started writing these posts about the time that my children moved away from home. Many of the things that i implemented with them while I was raising them are reflected in my words and phrases. Even what I feel compelled to write about were commonly discussed and taught in our house, just to make sure we were sending well-rounded people out into the world as part of the next generation. The way we treat the world around us and the people around us are direct reflection of how we treat ourselves. I frequently told my children, in fact I tell all of my friends, readers and acquaintances, that I will give you 100% of me when we are together, but rest assured, when we part, I will be doing that with the next people I meet, the next projects I undertake and the next ideas that I confront. Giving in half measure is not in my wheelhouse.

There have been times when writing this much has reduced me to a blubbering idiot, crying and depressed at my limited range of language skills, bereft of any and all feelings of facility for and with language. There have been times when I feared that my words were but a hollow mirage, sure to disappear from view upon closer inspection. However, the opposite is true as well, there were times when I felt part of the great revolution that is not being televised. times when a single brief comment inspired me the same way raising three amazing children has done.I hate to ask, but I am sure that my readers will understand. How has my writing touched you? Is this the place you come to reflect, learn or escape? Please let me know what you think. I am not only curious but wanting to learn how to make a better case for investing in what really matters. Blessed Be and Namaste' Tony

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