Sunday, April 5, 2015

Ostara Blessings

I am "here", hopefully to convey continuity, perhaps act as a bridge toward greater understanding. It is well to realize that no matter how we slice and dice things, we cannot get away from the fact that the divine is feminine, not masculine as we are often told. From the womb of creation, new life grows. Within the rigid confines of all the religions, (the shell) lies an ooky goopy gluck that wiggles and can transform itself into a whole being. The egg, has been the symbol of this celebration since before we reckoned time by numbers.

We each come to the now in different ways. We each defend our conception of reality in unique ways. What we "see", "know" and proclaim, come from unique perspective and shared associations rather than from point of fact or objectivity. This is the time we honor the growth, upon whose path we have all been set, the inevitable change that takes place not only around, but in us moment to moment. When we honor our bodies, it is strange to hear the statistic that In The U.S. of A., we spend 2.2 billion dollars annually on "Easter" candy. I have not spent two dollars on candy in the last two years. Around about this time of year, I do eat a few tablespoons of honey, or take a nip or two of maple syrup, but my body is better off for it.

Today, I got an interesting poem, excellent for an Ostara morning:

On Resurrection Day your body testifies against you.
Your hand says, I stole money.
Your lips, I said meanness.
Your feet, I went where I shouldn't.
Your genitals, me too.

They will make your praying sound hypocritical.
Let the body's doings speak openly now,
without your saying a word

as a student's walking behind a teacher
says, This one knows more clearly
than I the way. -- Rumi

The bridge we must each cross along our path is from who we think we are to who we need to be. This Ostara, I hope to convey the message that we are each reborn, in every moment, our health, our welfare and our happiness may all depend on being friends of our bodies, honoring their bacteriologic biodiversity. Our ultimate "wealth" comes from being benefactors of our (internal and external)environment, always practicing the art of the give back. We need to be lovers of experience. All else is anti-life, anti-growth and ultimately deceitful. The only way we can lie to ourselves is because we think we are gullible, liars or plain unworthy of truth. Even the words that we use to communicate must be laden with love, for ourselves as well as others, designed to heal and not rend, and tailored to reflect awareness and compassion rather than accusatory judgement if we are to evolve beyond our current life out of balance.

I have devoted my life to healing the rift between human-kind and nature, each year at this time, I sense a power beyond description growing amongst the people. The new culture that bursts forth from the bud of creation that has been forming over my lifetime will truly transform our reality. In so many ways, the jig is finally up. We can plainly see the score, the writing on the wall, the forest for the trees, however you want to say it, we cannot be kow-towed any longer. My heart and soul will never be denied the reciprocal love that I feel for Mother Earth. I do not encourage anyone to take those steps toward healing if it does not "feel right" to them, but I do implore them to at least consider what might lie on the other side of that bridge. I beg each and every person to find their way to the awareness that Mother Earth holds, cradles us, and nourishes us even in death, we are her life.

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