Thursday, April 9, 2015


This is the post that needs to be shared. The revolution that is not being televised includes cadres of people who live in what seem like precarious ways. Couch surfing, periodically homeless or travelin' without a sense of place, what many refer to as home. However, this is not to say that their lives are not rich, or valuable as those who always keep the same address, no. I was a traveler who biked around the Great Lakes. What I shared was most often worth far more than the resources that I took away. I knew a homeless guy who had a suitcase full of his best knives and his own cutting board as well as a few favorite pots and pans. He would be a personal chef for those who let him sleep on their floor.

There is a mentality that takes over in regions where life is clinging desperately to hold on. Places that have been cut over and had their resources extracted. You see it in a lot of signs "up north". Wood splittin', Dog groomin' n' small engine repair. Or, Lawn service, well drilling & Body work. The frequency of businesses advertizing three disparate services dominate. Most often they ebb and flow with the seasons. sometimes you have to be a hunter, sometimes you have to be a butcher as well. No one will be making wood for the winter if not you, so as the day length changes, so to your tasks. The revolution that is not being televised is being realized by those who grow more of their own food, hunt it, or fish. Sometimes you may be working the sugar shack, making maple goodies or syrup. some weeks you will be making apple butter or dehydrating food for the winter.

As we learn to work the seasons, living in harmony with our surroundings, the need for speed, distraction and stress inevitably fall away. The old saying holds true today. Tune in, turn on. drop out. Having an exit strategy from Babylon is never a bad idea. The dropping out part is often the hardest. Those of us who bought the social contract and were led to believe that things would only get better and lost are left holding the bag for the wealthy bankers that continue to reap the benefits of my misfortune. If there had been an opt out window for underwater mortgage holders, we would have jumped at the chance to go. Here we are eight years after the three homes we owned lost 1/3 of their value and we still can't sell for what we owe. The most rewarding moments that I spend are scaring up a blue jay or rabbit, having robins or black birds become accustomed to you or to find the first clutch of baby bunnies.

I am raising capital to produce a biochar video, teaching methods for making this miraculous soil amendment. The beds that I have used it on have doubled production over beds that have not been enriched with it. Anyone who has resources to help with this project is invited to contact me or donate through paypal. There will never be a televised commercial about biochar, but Through the wonders of youtube etc. information can be transferred quickly and easily with millions. In even fairly remote areas, this material allows farmers to double their output from agricultural land. Anyone who grows their own crops knows the value of getting twice as much production from the same amount of effort. Or, you could double your leisure.

Sharing this bio-char technology widely is the only way to hasten the end of big oil and the stranglehold that energy giants have Mother Earth in. Their approach to agriculture has killed off and sterilized soils. Char allows soil ecosystems to include multiple trophic levels of living organisms and enhances the benefits of organic and sustainable approaches to agriculture and/or the effectiveness of permacultural methods. The end of our demand for petrochemically based agricultural inputs will drive down demand for petroleum far faster than we will run out. The slogan, "Leave it in the ground!", echoes across every continent. Friends need to tell friends the good news that there are others who know the score, who have made strides toward living lightly on the planet and those who are about to take further strides than ever to achieve zero garbage, or zero net energy, or zero waste in some other aspect of their lives. We are a family, a tribe, a motive force driving our culture to be better stewards.

Please let others know about this site and these posts. Also, might be of interest.

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