Saturday, May 23, 2015

500 Weekend

I have written about some of what I have learned about Memorial Day during the course of my life. I'm pretty sure that if you want, you could look back at past May postings to read more than most people will ever understand about the difference between honoring men and women who died in our wars and detesting the aristocracy who unduly enriched themselves because of that "sacrifice" that we must all bear responsibility for. Collectively, we have become delusional if we actually believe that our freedoms come, somehow, from the lives of those who died. A very weak set of presumptions would need to be made real and a blind eye would need to be turned to some very harsh truths before that fable could become based on fact.

I would rather talk about solutions. Just as the solution to pollution is not dilution, the solution to the prevailing rhetoric is not to beat around the bush or single out one tentacle to lop off at a time, They always grow back. We cannot blunt the force with which we have been inculcated with lies. The only viable resolution to our crash course with destiny is to completely circumvent the aberrant logic loop that has been created for us. Education is always a component to social change movements. Asking incisive questions, understanding what it means to think, being able to see, not only the forest and the trees, but the underlying terrain, the vital biomes that exist between and amongst all of them, that is the perspective we need to move out of the days of death, destruction and mayhem, perpetrated by power and control freaks on the vast majority of the global population, into a new awareness of the sanctity of the planet as a whole.

This is my treatise for a new paganism. As much as I hate isms, we all struggle to believe in something, that which we cannot understand or explain is an eternal placeholder for our existence. Even if you believe in nothing, that is something. How might we make changes that qualitatively change, for the better, our relationship with the planet? How might we make changes that qualitatively change, for the better, our relationship with other human beings and indeed all the creatures of the planet? What steps can we take toward true security, stability and sustainability. Rather than starting from a truth or consequences point of view, which nearly everyone seems to be preoccupied with, the new paganism needs to arise from some things that are not false, are not imposed upon us, but rather that spring from us. Truly, from our most attuned selves.

This 500 Weekend, remember that we all have the right to be leaders of the pack, each of us has an inkling of truth, built in, right down to our bones. The most therapeutic way to find it is to settle down, touching nature in some way. Let your heart be still amongst the rocks and trees, listen to their whispers and feel the commitment that they bring to existence. Be one with them, learn how to reflect that grounded self-expression in human form. When we begin to realize ourselves as one amongst many, moving in tandem or in cadres of like-motivate folks, can be the most sublime reward. Beyond imagination lies a toolkit for a new Earth at the heart of this trove of wonder are millions of gems like these...organizations dedicated to providing fresh water to every human being on the planet, "ordinary citizens" who turn up to clean the beaches after oil spills, unconcerned about not having the "right" protective gear, humans willing to train service dogs who were once in shelters, individuals committed to ending the nuclear insanity, peace protesters, human rights supporters, educators who tech classes on anger management and the power and control wheel and it includes accepting the true fact that human beings and all other organisms on the planet are entitled to the same sanctity with which we need to feel for the planet.

Turning left at over 200 Mph. is not only possible, but necessary! Love, promote peace and educate tirelessly about the new paganism as aggressively as war mongers hawk death, destruction and mayhem. Today, I for one, honor the dead by recommitting myself to the overthrow of those who would consecrate our "freedoms" (the freedoms for our corporate welfare whores to destroy the planet and her people)with the blood of another generation. I pledge myself to peace each year on this holy weekend, during which we memorialize our war dead unafraid to tell the truth about their sacrifice and unabashed in my concern that not another death is allowed to occur in defense of corporate tyranny.

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