Sunday, May 31, 2015

Tragic Trifecta

The Rethuglican Party has run cover for a few more ingrates which we discovered this week. One, was the very same member of the House of Representatives (some have said that he was the longest serving Republican Speaker of the House)who had presided over the moralistic assaults on Bill Clinton for his sexual antics. It turns out that he was paying hush money, over 1.7 million, throughout his entire career to silence a child that he molested back when he was a High School wrestling coach. This is, for me, another one of the many "proofs" of the fallacy that sport is good for the development of well-rounded human beings. Sport, in my informed opinion is almost single-handedly responsible for injecting dozens of sexual inuendi (it is Latin spell check)into common parlance, strengthening our antiquated evolutionary development, making power and control more highly fixed in our culture. I am sure that this retards our evolution many centuries.

The second poster child is the fellow who claims divine inspiration and part of that is his child love, the cover-up, the holding of God so close, that any action is defensible to him. Does this remind you of anyone? Religious whackos. Isis is not the only agent twisting supposedly sacred texts into excuses for inhumane behavior. This was, for me, perhaps most tragic. because multiple victims of sexual assault whose family member perpetrated such heinous power and control as to crush someone you espouse to love sickens even those of us who understand that love is not capable of resulting in violence. To round out the trifecta, just when you thought it would calm down a bit.

Third, another of the three horsemen of the Apocalypse, Sheldon Adleson, owner of the Sands, indicted for racketeering and money laundering. Major donor to dozens of campaigns and massive subsidization of Rethuglican operations worldwide. We have crooks in the highest of places. My understanding is that this is not a perfect storm, taking pout the lynchpins, but rather a cursory view taken from across the ranks of these exploitative corporate outlaw supporting right wing whack jobs. These are the sorts of people who many in the right wing of our political system idolize and emulate in their daily dealings with others! I believe we are morally obligated to make a new start. Whatever we have been doing up to now has not worked.

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