Saturday, July 9, 2016

Fabrication 50

It is amazing to watch late night tee vee shows that still mention Bernie Sanders, and the crowd goes wild, then, when they mention The Hil, there is deafening silence. No one wants her, no one.

I'm sitting here listening to Gang of 4, Solid Gold. It truly is as salient as it was when it was released.  I'll give you a moment to pull it up, try listening to it as a soundtrack to these writings... It feels like driving in a car while your favorite album is on.

Fortunately, they woke thousands from their slumber. If you check them out on you tube, you will be truly amazed at how topical they are/were. The root causes that led to the establishment of the percariot (those precariously perched between the disappearing middle class and the below poverty reality that continuously stares us all down, all the time, were evident back then. The response to the trickle down theory, was the same as it had been when it was called the Divine Right of Kings, nothing but a big yawn from the chomping maw that devoured lifetimes of work and wealth accumulation as markets crashed. Now, we are having it renamed again as "austerity". 

The punks I knew were far ahead of the game there, we learned to live on nothing, not by choice, but out of desperation. We listened to New Order Fact 50 Movement, Gang of 4, Husker du, Fred Frith Joy Division, King Crimson and Snakefinger. We wore clothes we made from other folks cast offs. We found industrial waste and made it into art. 

The truth is that many of us retain the morality and fiber of our youth, yet we have wisened and clarified our positions so that we can communicate better with others. having a gun to your head, pushing you into wage slavery does that to people. The outrage being expressed in France, it Egypt, Great Britain, The U.S and other nations around the planet are based on unequal distribution of wealth and the attendant destabilized power structures that render democracy obsolete. 

The love affair the oligarchs have for The Hil are based solely on knowing that she is a kept woman. Nothing sexual about it, she owes them everything. The fabrications continue...

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