Sunday, July 3, 2016

Why is it?

First let me apologize for using rhetorical questions. We all know the real reason...oligarchy. Perhaps the real question is why do we stand for it? The other day on the news, they were talking about The Donald and his speech at the Colorado Republican Convention and The Hillary at a similar event in San Francisco, they showed the "crowds" and I have to attest, I saw more people in Waupaca, Wisconsin (population 6069) during a snowstorm rallying for Bernie Sanders than the current "front runners" could get in the fourteenth and twenty-third largest cities in America. Denver has over 600K souls and San Fran boasts over 800K souls!

Disenfranchisement has become a commodity traded by world leaders. Party leaders have the audacity to compile lists of Congressional Districts with the estimated "price" that each one will "cost" to "secure". Being played has never felt quite so dirty and simultaneously been so utterly ignored. Who can even raise questions when the media is a wholly owned subsidiary of the military/industrial, banking/complex? The ruling class is bent on practicing class warfare against the 99%. Their ideas literally trump any feelings the public may have, after all they really would not like a system that had them pay their fair share or take any responsibility for their illegal behavior.

I write often about the supposed Divine Right of Kings, but to willfully destroy a planet and her people with no more thought than, they need us to lead them, I call Bullshit! No shred of decency, humility or compassion is evident in any of the macro scale decisions which the owners of our government have made. Needless to say, we have all watched them take a very blustery stance when it comes to micro management, removal of freedoms and denial of rights of the lives of nearly any minority group imaginable (except of course the .01%). Others have written at length about the focus by the political leaders and the media on who can use which bathroom when the Flint, Michigan water crimes needed to be in the news. So far, the media have nearly ignored the millions of people who face similar water supply crises across the nation.

The revolution is still not being televised, so at least give thanks that with an unlimited amount of effort, we can educate the masses a different way. When the first round of ecological crisis became front page news, teach-ins were used to combat ignorance, today we can use the digisphere. Please share my writing with friends, neighbors, co-workers, family and community. Each one teach one has even more importance today than it did in '68.

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