Friday, February 10, 2017

Do Your Job!

More and more people are chanting this to their "leaders".  We need competence in our representatives, if nothing else, they must at least be educated. We have a Head of Health and Social Services head who's favorite investments are in medical equipment and drug companies, who has actively opposed the ACA, the law of the land and a POSOTUS, on the phone with Russian President, who had to put Vladimir on hold, to ask his staff, "What the heck is this nuclear treaty thing?" From the hearsay in the room, the interpretations he was given...he surmised, it is a very bad deal and we need to renegotiate. Really? You think you would have read the treaty before taking office? Or, at least the Constitution, you never know when these sorts of things will come up! Rushing in where fools  and angels fear to tread is not always prudent, without any preparation.You had months to cram! At least have someone read it to you if you don't like to read. It took decades to get where we are in detente', grasp reality man! Ignorance has got to be dealt with! Perhaps this is what was meant by the old saying, Earth will end not with a BANG, but a whimper. If that is the case, it will be the whimper of the aware, the collective surrender of billions of people to the ignorance of the few.

My whole youth was spent learning that we, the U. S. of A. were the greatest nation on earth, not because of some "God-given" right, but because our political philosophy was built on founding documents that were inspired by a group of wise men, inspired by native systems of governing, but they forgot the main point...The Iroquoix Confederacy, did have the two houses the youthful and elders. This was mirrored by the House and Senate. The change our founders made was that the grandmothers were the only ones who had the vote. They held the culture's collective memory. They knew the hot heads and those who would treat children like dogs or hit them, or their wives, they knew the honorable ones and those who held appropriate reverence for others. We have turned the whole point of having our Constitution upside down. Our superiority, over the past fifty years, has been hollowed out by lack of will. We have anti-trust laws on the books that are not enforced. We have environmental regulations that are scoffed at, direct and indirect subsidies of energy, finance, insurance, etc. I am still biased to think that we have the best system, but it was never meant to be the best representation money can buy.

This has been the largest cost of my campaign...a friend sold me the hat, used, which fits perfectly, and another friend embroidered a few bands for it, so I can change them up occasionally. I think this set my campaign back about a hundred dollars. The rest is funded by ideas, the content of my character and my direct contact with voters. Talking with people that one is working to represent means listening to them more than talking. 

Back in the heady days, around the time of the Revolution, the educated were the only ones at the table, the privileged, land holding, well-read and idealistic truly believed that humanity is generally noble. That one aspect of our government that has been most maligned, attacked and which seems to be nearly lost today. There are at least seven dozen glimmers of hope and about a dozen guiding stars still elected by for and of the people, Bernie, Tulsi, Liz, Grace, Elanor, Dianne, Kirsten, Tammy and many more. We have to acknowledge that some in Congress are doing their jobs, many are doing them well, but there has been enough contamination of the body with people who do not represent their people, but the wealthy interests that put them in office. Only 100 members of Congress can credit the Tea Party Revolution for their victory in their run for Congress. Two, were trying to go from the House to the Senate in the fall of 2016, however both lost their bids for higher office. It seems that just as quickly as their fire caught the collective imagination, it has died. When these folks begin to realize that representing the people of your district requires learning to filter information learning to look past who is willing to tell you things for money, and those who are truly interested in making our democracy strong! I have officially thrown my hat into the ring. I will continue to campaign for Congress because we need representatives who will work for the people, not corporations.

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