Sunday, February 19, 2017

One Moon Passes

Since the swearing in of The Donald, the U.S. of A. has had a few Constitutional crises, some illegal firings, a mass exodus of administration officials and high ranking agency types, who are vital to the functioning of their respective organizations. In addition to increasing the cost of government, our new fearful leader, Twitler, as some call him. We are expected to swallow this giant bitter horse pill based purely on false hopes and promises. As I pointed out years ago, hope was the last thing out of Pandora's box. We need pragmatists, more than ever to stand up and hold the governments of our world accountable for their flagrant reliance on false facts from their corporate welfare recipients. For many years I have questioned how and why business leaders are even consulted on pending regulations that will affect them? Is not the purpose of regulation, to reign in bad actors and require a basic level of "service" from providers? Equity, fairness and  basic humanity have taken it on the chin when companies have been allowed to run amok. Inviting industry leaders into agencies that have been established to limit corporate power has always seemed akin to allow the foxes to unionize and then let them design the next generation of chicken-houses!
The mercabic force available to each one of us is expressed through time and all cultures as a handful of discreet elements.

I have gone through the ugly, but necessary process of looking at succession to the White House. We now have both a President and Vice President who have been tied to dealings with international agents and banks, designed to prop up the candidacy and fund a campaign that ultimately catapulted our current POSOTUS (Piece Of Sh$t Of The United States) to proxy for Russia in our White House. Both at least complicit in, if not responsible for capital offenses. This makes the Oval Office the responsibility of a Representative from an illegal district, the only reason he made it to office in the first place is because of driving down voter turn out by flooding the airwaves with lies, using out-of-state money to finance the making of a fine puppet or corporate welfare whores. Scratch him off and it takes you to Senator Orrin Hatch, of Utah. I have only made a cursory analysis of his policies and stances, at least what he has posted on his website. If that is the ignorant and misguided policies he actually believes, in the face of insurmountable research, investigation and science, he needs to be disallowed as well. That takes the succession of the Presidency all the way down to the Attorney General who Tweetmeister Pussy Grab fired within the first week of taking office.

I know it feels like the death from a thousand cuts is already weakening our resolve, our will to fight, our ability to even quit crying and get up on two feet again, but I can also say that the founding fathers planned for even these eventualities. there is a chart going around on the internet showing the percentage of Electoral College votes that all the Presidents had relative to their Popular vote totals. It claims that D.T. got 50% of the popular vote, making him something like the fourth worst finisher in that respect. In actuality, he only received 46.1% of the popular vote, making him the worst of the worst, gaining the White House with the lowest percentage of any President of the United States ever! There is no excuse for letting our system spin out of control. specific provisions have been made to prevent chaos from creeping in to the halls of Congress. It would be ironic, but appropriate if the "Making America Great Again!" was not achieved by buying hats from China, but was more about getting people involved, paying attention to our government and the way it is run. I trust that all these people marching and calling their congresspeople are saying the same things I have been saying for twenty years. Maybe now that the majority are getting sick and tired of being lied to cheated and stolen from on a regular basis, we will do what it takes to win back the halls of Congress and the White House from the takers once and for all!

NOTICE! I used the term takers in a more real sense, not like the major media outlets allow it to be used. The Corporate welfare whores have been taking for generations. Make millions, the government wants to lower your taxes...make billions and they want to give you subsidies. If you don't believe it, look at how much money the ACA is pumping into insurance company coffers. Look to the energy sector...look to the financial markets, the .1% has their hands out so far that they are dipping into everyone's pocket, whether it be for wars fought for access to oil, fictional accounts of imaginary threats, or surcharges for "smartgrid" technology, we are all having our collective pockets picked in hundreds of thousands of hidden ways and as they steal from the poor, they shift that wealth to the uberwealthy.

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