Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Age Of Illeism

Speaking in tongues, to some extent determines some of your thinking patterns, some bases of ideation and some blind spots. In the theater, we have a language of our own and there are fun poems written about them. One of my own favorites is that backstage is the only place you can strike the baby and kill the blonde. Baby is a lighting instrument and so is a blonde, striking it just means "put it away." We speak a certain tongue backstage. How we talk rules how we think, or at least hems in what we think we have competency over.  Things we are willing to think about and integrate.

We as a people, the human beings of this planet, need to grow exponentially if we are to survive as a species. No longer can we live under the oppressive reign of people who inherited the world and are intent on leaving it a lifeless cinder. Being able to speak with one voice on this matter requires that we all use the same language, or at least understand the terms, we all have to understand the same stuff and have words to talk about it.

When Nixon famously said, "You won't have Nixon to kick around anymore, it was meant to be an attack, and sounded like a three year old child disassociating from the part of himself that felt regret or shame over what he had done. (some believe to this day that he had no shame) His paranoia that led him to tape his office conversations ultimately backfired and got people looking into what kind of man he was.

Bob Dole did it and had to hire a speech coach to help him rid himself of the issue. Although it may not affected the way he thought about himself, it did mostly change the way he speaks about himself.

Julius Caesar did it and wasn't he supposed to be somehow endowed by the gods themselves to exert his power? The other J.C. has been revered by history as a great military leader, but people who had to work with him apparently disagreed. He was one of history's greatest narcissists. In his day, perhaps, it was a form of early branding.

Charles De Gaulle did it. As more of a way of formalizing a radio broadcast as if to verify that it was indeed him. I don't think that he was differentiating himself from himself, after all, radio was still in infancy during his formative years. Later,  he did stand up to many economic thinkers of his day and helped create the Trente Gloriouses through use of dirigist economic policies, in part because of his charisma and influence.  That requires humility and great leaders give the victories up to all those who helped accomplish them.

A handful of sports greats have exploited the marketability aspect of naming yourself, like a trademark. Bo Jackson, who had a hard time saying "I", Rickey Henderson, Pele and the Rock are are known far and wide by their image, and the cash flow baby because you're looking at 'em! So Pretentious that Salvador Dali used Illism to differentiate between the man himself and his persona. The person he wanted to be seen. Dali was highly influenced by psychology and rhetoricysms that were meant to be played with, purposefully.

I could have thrown Geraldo Rivera into the sports group because the passion that you see played out on the field or pitch is embodied in the way Geraldo reflects through his journalism. In his defense, have heard someone say that a third someone had been Geraldo Riveaed, so maybe he was referring to that guy.It is hard to say...

Jimmy (from Seinfeld) was an illistic creeper, meant to scare people

Elmo is scary until you understand that he's supposed to be three

Now The Donald and The Hillary. I'm sure there are a few rappers out there who are doin' a double take! One mo' ting crackers gotta be right on up in here stealin' frum us! Sheeite! Ain' NO WAY homey gonna play that!

I'm right yo! Feel it! It ain't right yo! B-live it!

If we understand that Trump has squandered nearly six billions to make as much of a name for himself as he has and with only 2.2 Billion left, how much longer will he be able to afford to remain relevant? It disgusts me to think that a man who knows that he's just a brand, could be followed by the sixty percent of Republicans who are voting for him. (13.8 % of the populace) In states where primaries remain, the people are on to him. Inciting riot and mayhem cannot be tolerated by major parties. I'm still not sure if you can say, categorically that referring to yourself in the third person is the reflection of associative disorders or narcissistic tendencies, but the likelihood goes way up! That's all I'm sayin'.

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