Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Less Than Two Weeks...

This year, Wisconsin's Spring Election will be held April 5th. We have a choice between a hand-picked appointee of a Governor who is now experiencing less than a 37% approval rating and an experienced judge who has consistently exhibited the highest level of public service. The bulk of the oligarchs money has been spent propping up a State Supreme Court Justice, the same Chief Justice who submitted blank pages for two and a half years of appointments she was required to make available to the public. What can you expect from an appointee made by someone whose policies have consistently put the ship of state on the rocks? Those who are following the Governor of Wisconsin, and his reign estimate that even decades after he has left office, there will be repercussions and structural elements that will never be recovered.

There has been a great shift with the internet and the ability to network people far beyond the boundary of space and time, let us hope the fire catches enough, that we can install both Bernie Sanders to the White House and 469 Congressional leaders are sent to Washington who have caught the fire as well. WE THE PEOPLE! Have the right to govern our own affairs! Without the restrictions of traditional "bankers", the insurance and investment firms and their parasitic absorption of capital if for no other reason than to trade away our money as well as their own...The writing has been on the wall for decades, the big lie has overgrown the structure of our democracy and we need to prune back the bramble and get money out of politics!

A well known billionaire, who shall remain nameless has squandered most of about eight Billion dollars, trying to be posh enough as to b considered relevant. Fortunes were made and bigger fortunes were lost at this man's hand in the past. as a nation, are we to not consider the multiple failures his decisions have led to? are we to overlook the countless hopes and fortunes that have been dashed along with his own? This has got to be like when the little boy said "The Emperor wears no clothes!" in the old folk tale. We all see it right? When the frackers shunt three BTUs of energy into the Earth, to get five out, are there not better ways to spend that energy? Any candidate for public office that does not squarely honor the issues has got to go! In my District, Wisconsin's 8th, I am running as a strong supporter of Bernie Sanders, for the U.S. House of Representatives; those who would want to see Bernie win should love me! I have followed his career for all of these years and most people I have spoken with are either already on fire, or just as interested as you would expect, because Bernie makes sense!

If you know anyone living in Wisconsin's 8th District, Northeast Wisconsin, please, let them know I am running. To send money to the campaign, send to: Saladino 4 District 8 1446 Porlier street, Green Bay WI 54301 USA. I would love to discuss my values and why I am running for office at a campfire gathering. If you know anyone in Northeast Wisconsin, who is having a fire pit party, let me know, I would love to attend!
I have canoed most of the rivers in the district. It is where I left from and came home to on my Bicycle ride around the Great Lakes in 1987. The message people like Bernie and I have stays the same, the times change to meet us eventually. Bernie Sanders and i have both been talking the same talk, walking the same walk for three decades. History proves us right.

Within the circle, we are all one. We are each the locus of a dance of energy with the world around us. Those of us who openly accept that Bernie Sanders is the best choice, not only for America, but for the world, have got to do everything in our power to not only get him elected, but to get the Congress to shift as well, away from the money and to basic issues like universal healthcare, justice reform, free education and significant reductions in ridiculous military expenditures. Thrift has gone out of the conservatives lexicon, true conservation means investing in things that you know work. Austerity, as it is billed today is just a twist of the knife into our culture and economy that the crash of 2006 was. Punitive measures against those who cannot fight back is tyranny and We The People will not stand still for it!

Luckily, I knew how to live on nothing, because in 2006, I pretty much had to do it again, after all,
I was all in on real estate, but because my pockets were thin, I had three mortgages to pay, and barely cash flowing. It seemed that almost overnight, the home values dropped and continued until my investment was worth way less than I had into it. When I realized that three times 1/3 (30% loss) meant I only had two houses of value, but three mortgages to pay. I was shoveling the snow in front of the house we had planned to flip when I realized. Of course, old houses, you know, have more problems than solutions and we barely made it out with our only thing lost was a year of fixing it up as our side job. Not a penny for all those hours, but the house stands and is beautiful today for the work we did to it, so that is worth a lot.

The year prior to my taking my Great Lakes bicycle ride around the Great Lakes, I helped to restore a building that would have been condemned. That house still stands in the district, providing healthier habitat for hopefully healthier inhabitants! Our lives touch those of others in infinite ways, culture depends on that. I believe in the power of the give away. Too often, our culture allows the rich to take from the poor in more poignant ways than just fleecing them for the cash. (although, they do that too.)

In less than two weeks, we get to vote for campaign finance and tax reform, or we are sold to the highest bidder, that seems to be our choice. Find your local Bernie Sanders supporting candidate and do whatever you can to get them elected!

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