Friday, September 23, 2016

Moon Time

Rage against the dying of the light.

Equinox time, balance point for the year. Halfway round the sun, north to south pole, twelve twelve, bathed in light, fifty fifty, light and dark. I have been making a plan to work like a crazy person for two moons. Honoring this refusal to rage against the dying of this wonderful Summer's Sun, This season has brought many firsts, hundreds of acres of topsoil enriched, bursting forth of life and stabilization of the most important ecotone on earth soil. I have commited the next two moons to planting seeds for growth.

This first moon is nearly half way through already and by the time we go to the polls to express ourselves as voters, I should be returning to the land of the overworked, not just the insanely so. It is easy to see how billionaires are doing so much better than the rest of us, because I am several times more effective at my job today than I was back in the eighties. In fact, I hold more processing power and memory in the palm of my hand than we had in corporate offices back then as well. I am working on a get out the vote campaign and meeting hundreds of great people who have seen enough of our sham "democracy", enough; who truly understand that the current pay to play schemes do not serve anyone but the power brokers, to win an election. It is important for us to understand that staying home instead of participating in elections is capitulating to the entrenched power and control system that has developed. SILENCE IS COMPLICITY!

We have a candidate on the one hand who is more to the right (Republican) side of a political arc than Reagan, the Koch brothers withdrew support for The Donald early on and in an act of Illuminati Bingo, Former President Bush (it puts a bad taste in my mouth to say it, but , the elder) told a Kennedy that he had to vote for Hillary. Old guard and old money are nothing when compared to new power and control techniques...Oh, BTW, I stole the Illuminati Bingo thing, but theft in the open seems to be the way this old "Wild West" is going. Remember, imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. Politics truly does make strange bedfellows.

We have another "candidate" who is an embarrassment, an anti-hero of monstrous proportion. The facts, as I understand them are that the fortune his father amassed, were achieved at the cost of losses imposed on the estates of others. The apple has not fallen far from the tree.

We are being force fed the "Libertarian" candidate, who BTW is part of the legal pot cartel working to patent one of the most ancient weeds on the planet. And the Green Party candidate is all but ignored, just like Bernie was. Interesting that most of the policies Bernie sanders put forward are planks in the Green Platform. When money really does not want to talk, it seems there is nothing you can do about it. that's exactly what they want you to think, thus the birth of the phrase "All politicians are crooks." Any educated person would say that premise is flawed. but the masses are not educated. The right wing has guaranteed that.

Many, and I empathize, are disillusioned, but we must not rest until everyone has heard the good news, Bernie Sanders supporting candidates are running for many seats in Congress. We still have time for everyone to find out who theirs are! Congress needs to be taken out of the hands of Tea Party obstructionists and the true seat of power needs to come from ranks of the vast majority of Americans,  those who care about women, children and the elders. Without these people being allowed to achieve their full potential we either spit in the face of our past, and the sacrifices the elders have made so we can live in such luxury, or we shit in the face of the future, by raising future generations to be inept. Standardization and testing are the two worst words ever introduced into the teaching profession. Noone is teaching the children that the news is as much manufactured as any consumer item, that the fear and hate they are designed to engender is a commodity to those who want to control you.

Pardon the awkward segue...

On the other hand, my new job allows me to play in the digi-realm through the Apple portal. Thus making me feel like a five year old "baby", discovering for the first time, that they have fingers and that they collide more often than they work as "team", that in time, they can be used to express our wishes, even achieve things through their use. It is with great difficulty that I am having to learn new behaviors, but on different equipment. Most important newbie lesson, tapping harder when you get frustrated does no one any good. Second most important, double click the icon button to view all open programs. Jeesh is that nifty!

Well, because I have worked so many hours, it has given me time to think, as Mercury goes direct and with Gods and Goddesses speed, let us embark on new projects, establish new connections and re-commit to the things that are working in our lives already. As the snail carries the burden of it's former self, so do we. Keep your transitions in line with your passions and values, take only a moral compass on your quest and use the coming dark times to really mine your soul for the riches buried there.

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